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Desmodium microphyllum

Desmodium microphyllum

1. The products in our compound library are selected from thousands of unique natural products; 2. It has the characteristics of diverse structure, diverse sources and wide coverage of activities; 3. Provide information on the activity of products from major journals, patents and research reports around the world, providing theoretical direction and research basis for further research and screening; 4. Free combination according to the type, source, target and disease of natural product; 5. The compound powder is placed in a covered tube and then discharged into a 10 x 10 cryostat; 6. Transport in ice pack or dry ice pack. Please store it at -20 °C as soon as possible after receiving the product, and use it as soon as possible after opening.

Natural products/compounds from  Desmodium microphyllum

  1. Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
  2. BCN4984 Orientin28608-75-5 Instructions
  3. BCN5600 Luteolin491-70-3 Instructions


[A primary study on antagonizing effects of anti-snake venom Chinese herbs on endothelin-1 and sarafotoxin 6b].[Pubmed: 11038932]

Some anti-snake venom Chinese herbs were used to test the antagonizing effect on ET-1 and S6b. Oral administration has shown that both the water and alcohol extracts from Cissus assamica and Aristolochia fordiana, and the water extracts from Desmodium microphyllum, Cynanthum paniculatum and Polygonum cillinerve are very helpful in reducing the acute death caused by ET-1 and S6b(i.v.), while the extracts from Cissus assamica, Aristolochia fordiana and Cynanthum paniculatum can dilate the vasoconstriction by ET-1 in a dose dependent manner. Pharmacodynamic parameters have shown that the potencies of alcohol extracts from Cissus assamica and Aristolochia fordiana are greater than that of Cynanthum paniculatum. These data suggest that traditional anti-snake venom herbs have antagonizing effects on ET-1.