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Gentiana veitchiorum

Gentiana veitchiorum

1. The products in our compound library are selected from thousands of unique natural products; 2. It has the characteristics of diverse structure, diverse sources and wide coverage of activities; 3. Provide information on the activity of products from major journals, patents and research reports around the world, providing theoretical direction and research basis for further research and screening; 4. Free combination according to the type, source, target and disease of natural product; 5. The compound powder is placed in a covered tube and then discharged into a 10 x 10 cryostat; 6. Transport in ice pack or dry ice pack. Please store it at -20 °C as soon as possible after receiving the product, and use it as soon as possible after opening.

Natural products/compounds from  Gentiana veitchiorum

  1. Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
  2. BCN7845 Isoscoparin20013-23-4 Instructions
  3. BCN4909 Gentiopicroside20831-76-9 Instructions
  4. BCN5441 Isovitexin38953-85-4 Instructions
  5. BCN4985 Luteolin-6-C-glucoside4261-42-1 Instructions


Hepatoprotective activity of Gentiana veitchiorum Hemsl. against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice.[Pubmed: 25053546]

To study the hepatoprotective effect of methanol extract of Gentiana veitchiorum (MGV) against CCl4-induced oxidative stress and liver injury in mice.

[Gentiana veitchiorum particles inhibited LPS induced pulmonary alveolar macrophages (AM) TNF-α production and the underlying mechanism].[Pubmed: 21481306]

To investigate the effect of Gentiana veitchiorum particles on the expression of TNF-α in pulmonary alveolar macrophages (AM) which induced by LPS, to explain the mechanism about anti-inflammatory action of Gentiana veitchiorum particles.

Effect of Feining on bleomycin-induced pulmonary injuries in rats.[Pubmed: 21333727]

The flowers of Gentiana veitchiorum has been widely used in decoction form in the traditional medicine of Tibet against tussis, tracheitis, angina for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and alexipharmic properties.

[Studies on glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum].[Pubmed: 19149260]

To study the chemical constituents of Gentiana veitchiorum.