Ipomoea purpurea
Ipomoea purpurea
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Natural products/compounds from Ipomoea purpurea
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The relative contribution of natural landscapes and human-mediated factors on the connectivity of a noxious invasive weed.[Pubmed: 29967398]
Examining how the landscape may influence gene flow is at the forefront of understanding population differentiation and adaptation. Such understanding is crucial in light of ongoing environmental changes and the elevated risk of ecosystems alteration. In particular, knowledge of how humans may influence population structure is imperative to allow for informed decisions in management and conservation as well as to gain a better understanding of anthropogenic impacts on the interplay between gene flow, genetic drift, and selection. Here, we use genome-wide molecular markers to characterize the population genetic structure and connectivity of Ipomoea purpurea (Convolvulaceae), a noxious invasive weed. We, likewise, assess the interaction between natural and human-driven influences on genetic differentiation among populations. Our analyses find that human population density is an important predictor of pairwise population differentiation, suggesting that the agricultural and/or horticultural trade may be involved in maintaining some level of connectivity across distant agricultural fields. Climatic variation appears as an additional predictor of genetic connectivity in this species. We discuss the implications of these results and highlight future research needed to disentangle the mechanistic processes underlying population connectivity of weeds.
[Responses of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Rhizobium tropici CIAT899 symbiosystem to induced allelopathy by Ipomoea purpurea L. Roth].[Pubmed: 29887272]
Allelopathy is a phenomenon that involves the production of secondary metabolites that influence the growth of plants and microorganisms; however, this alellopathic effect has been scarcely studied on the rhizobia-legume symbiosis. The aims of this research were 1) to assess the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of Ipomoea purpurea L. Roth on seed germination and root length of common bean seedlings (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), 2) to determine its effects on the in vitro growth of Rhizobium tropici CIAT899, and 3) to evaluate the allelopathic potential of I. purpurea on the growth, nodulation and physiology of common bean plants inoculated with R. tropici. After 48h, 15% of the aqueous root extract of I. purpurea stimulated seed germination, whereas 4% of the aqueous shoot extracts stimulated such germination. Both the root or shoot extracts stimulated seed germination and e root length. In vitro growth of R. tropici was inhibited as a result of the application of both aqueous extracts. The presence of I. purpurea negatively affected both the growth and physiological responses of common bean plants, and this effect was attenuated after the inoculation of R. tropici; nevertheless, this allelopathic plant affected root nodulation. Our results suggest that the symbiosis of rhizobia and roots of common bean plants is an important element for attenuating the negative effects caused by the allelopathic plant.
Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Mating System of the Common Morning Glory.[Pubmed: 29156051]
Evolutionary biologists remain puzzled by the often dramatic variation of mating strategies within single species. Of particular interest is the extent to which environmental conditions shape patterns of variation of mating system components within mixed mating species, and how widespread anthropogenic manipulations may influence these associations. Here, we address this question in the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) by combining a dataset of floral traits, estimates of the mating system, and relevant environmental factors compiled for 22 populations of this species distributed along a wide range of environments from the Southeastern and Midwestern United States. We identify a disparate set of environmental factors to influence population-level variation in selfing, inbreeding, and flower morphology. Although floral traits are primarily associated with climatic variation, the outcrossing rate and inbreeding coefficient are primarily influenced by the level of herbicide resistance. Furthermore, we find that populations with higher levels of herbicide resistance exhibit a stronger correlation between mating system-floral traits and mating system estimates (outcrossing rate and inbreeding coefficient). Altogether, these results demonstrate the dominant role that herbicide application plays in the determination of I. purpurea's mating system, and more generally uncover the complex and unforeseen evolutionary consequences of anthropogenic manipulations in natural systems.
Shifts in outcrossing rates and changes to floral traits are associated with the evolution of herbicide resistance in the common morning glory.[Pubmed: 27905176]
Human-mediated selection can strongly influence the evolutionary response of natural organisms within ecological timescales. But what traits allow for, or even facilitate, adaptation to the strong selection humans impose on natural systems? Using a combination of laboratory and greenhouse studies of 32 natural populations of the common agricultural weed, Ipomoea purpurea, we show that herbicide-resistant populations self-fertilise more than susceptible populations. We likewise show that anther-stigma distance, a floral trait associated with self-fertilisation in this species, exhibits a nonlinear relationship with resistance such that the most and least resistant populations exhibit lower anther-stigma separation compared to populations with moderate levels of resistance. Overall, our results extend the general finding that plant mating can be impacted by human-mediated agents of selection to that of the extreme selection of the agricultural system. This work highlights the influence of human-mediated selection on rapid responses of natural populations that can lead to unexpected long-term evolutionary consequences.
A harvest of weeds yields insight into a case of contemporary evolution.[Pubmed: 27634049]
When Charles Darwin was exploring the idea of evolution via natural selection, he looked to domesticated species, with the opening chapter of The Origin of Species titled 'Variation Under Domestication' (Darwin ). Domesticated species such as crops are a great example of artificial selection, which Darwin realized was analogous to natural selection. But growing among those carefully selected crop varieties are the unwelcome and unwanted plants we call weeds. Despite the importance of weeds and long-standing interest in their evolution (Baker ), we still know little about how agricultural weeds evolve, and we often fail to take evolution into account when attempting to manage them (Neve et al. ). Agricultural weeds are subjected to the unique conditions of farm fields, such as frequent soil disturbance and the addition of water and nutrients. They are also confronted with aggressive attempts at their removal via herbicides and mechanical means. As such, they are under intense demographic and selective pressure and can potentially rapidly evolve in response. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Kuester and co-authors make a rare attempt to understand contemporary evolution in an agricultural weed (Kuester et al. ). They do so using the powerful resurrection approach of comparing ancestors and descendants under common conditions (Franks et al. ). They sampled multiple populations of the weedy plant Ipomoea purpurea at two points in time. A comparison of these greenhouse-grown ancestor and descendent populations showed that, over time, populations had lost significant levels of neutral genetic diversity, consistent with genetic bottlenecks. The authors also found a slight increase, on average, of resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup(®) . This work is one of a growing number of studies demonstrating rapid evolution in natural populations (Thompson ) and also reveals evidence of both selection and drift in populations of an agricultural weed.
Fitness costs of herbicide resistance across natural populations of the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea.[Pubmed: 27470166]
Although fitness costs associated with plant defensive traits are widely expected, they are not universally detected, calling into question their generality. Here, we examine the potential for life-history trade-offs associated with herbicide resistance by examining seed germination, root growth, and above-ground growth across 43 naturally occurring populations of Ipomoea purpurea that vary in their resistance to RoundUp®, the most commonly used herbicide worldwide. We find evidence for life-history trade-offs associated with all three traits; highly resistant populations had lower germination, shorter roots, and smaller above-ground size. A visual exploration of the data indicated that the type of trade-off may differ among populations. Our results demonstrate that costs of adaptation may be present at stages other than simply the production of progeny in this agricultural weed. Additionally, the cumulative effect of costs at multiple life cycle stages can result in severe consequences to fitness when adapting to novel environments.