Procyanidin B3

Catalog No. BCN6316
CAS RN 23567-23-9
Molecular Weight 578.52
Molecular Formula C30H26O12
Database [PubChem]:382158842


Standard InChI


Biological Activity

Procyanidin B3 (B3) prevents osteoarthritis (OA) progression and heterotopic cartilage formation, at least in a part through the suppression of iNOS, these results support the potential therapeutic benefits of B3 for treatment of human OA and heterotopic ossification.[1]
Procyanidin B3 is an inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase, B3 enhances the action of antagonist for prostate cancer cells via inhibition of p300-dependent acetylation of androgen receptor; B3 treatment inhibited acetylation-dependent prostate cell proliferation and expression of cell-cycle control genes, subsequently increasing cell death, indicating the functional importance of AR acetylation for prostate cancer cell growth.[2]

Product information

English website: Procyanidin B3
Japanese website: Procyanidin B3
Chinese website: Procyanidin B3


[1] Aini H, Ochi H, Iwata M, et al. Plos One, 2012, 7(5):e37728.
[2] Choi K C, Park S, Lim B J, et al. Biochem J, 2011, 433(1):235-44.
[3] Ricardo-Da-Silva J M, Bourzeix M, Cheynier V, et al. Vitis -Geilweilerhof-, 1991, 30(3):245-52.