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ADHD is a FAKE disease invented by Pharma to drug children for money

What is the future of our children?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Over activity Disorder, is ubiquitous in the American classroom, discover little debate about that. According to CDC stats from 2012, 11 percent of children between your age ranges of four and seventeen had been diagnosed with ADHD at some time. With over six million kids clinically diagnosed, it's hard not to wonder: Is this condition even a real problem?

Sure, some kids struggle to be aware during school -- but does that indicate a proper problem with the child? Perhaps it's more indicative of a contemporary society that simply doesn't allow children to be children anymore. If you've at any time found that the idea that children who'd somewhat play outside than stay at a desk are "broken" and need medication was somewhat hard to digest, you may well be right.

These types of states are also home to a lot of children who enjoy seeking and fishing. Jarvis reviews that census data from Arkansas shows 89 percent of kids fish and 35 percent hunt. Comparable survey data shows that in Kentucky, 86 percent fish and 31 percent hunt. "These were the closest indicators I could think of these Kentucky and Arkansas youngsters are more enthusiastic about being outside and active than cooped up in a classroom, inch he contends.

Jarvis further notes that in states with the most affordable incidences of ADHD, children seem to be to be considerably less considering the great outdoors: In Nj, only 45 percent of children go fishing. While not exactly evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship, it certainly raises questions about the way we look at kids who have trouble focusing in the class. Jarvis posits that the data he's collected "suggests that the states with the highest instances of ADHD diagnosis are also states where traditional ideals of public education are least aligned with the population. "

The validity of the ATTENTION DEFICIT-HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER diagnosis has been wondered for years now; many people wonder if it can more of a personality issue than an real cognitive deficit. But maybe it's neither; maybe children should just be authorized to be children -- without having to be drugged.
As Jarvis remarks, many of the statistics on ADHD are laughable. For example, boys are three times more likely to get an ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER diagnosis than girls. Kids from unstable home conditions are also at a higher risk of being clinically determined to have this so-called health issues. They are the "facts" that permit the pharmaceutical industry unbridled usage of drugging up little kids?

Even if you need to go in terms of to say that ADHD is a behavioral issue but not a true cognitive problem, why choose potentially dangerous drugs over a more natural approach? There are many options to help kids who struggle in classrooms that do not involve prescription medication. Intended for example, changing your children's diet, providing them with more opportunities to exercise and ensuring they get enough sleep are all essential ways you can help your child be their best in their classroom.

Recent research has also shown that omega-3 fatty acids are a key nutrient to help support growing brains and bolster their overall intellectual performance.

In a world where kids (and adults) are spending a small percentage of the time outdoors and more time eating junk foods, its really not surprising better nutrition and an even more active lifestyle could be simple fixes to many of the modern problems.