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Aging gracefully: the study identifies factors of healthy memory at any age

The decline in memory is one of the first signs of cognitive and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Understanding and designing interventions for memory decline is essential for efforts to prevent or delay these diseases.

"We found different risk factors for stable memory and fast declining memory," said Peggy McFall, senior author and research associate in the Department of psychology.  "It may be possible to use these factors to improve the results for older adults. "

McFall, who conducted the study in collaboration with Professor Roger Dixon, used machine learning to analyze data from a longitudinal study based in Edmonton, Alberta.

The study found that adults with healthy memory were more likely to be women, educated, and engaging in more social activities, such as hosting a dinner, and new cognitive activities, such as the use of a computer or learning a second language. For adults aged 55 to 75, healthy memory was associated with a lower heart rate, higher body mass index, self-maintenance activities, and living companions. Adults over 75 had a quicker approach and fewer depressive symptoms.

Those who have a declining memory tend to engage in fewer new cognitive activities. Young adults, aged 55 to 75, were younger, had higher heart rates and were engaged in less self-maintenance activities, while adults over 75 years had a slower approach and engaged in fewer social activities.

"These modifiable risk and protection factors can be converted into potential intervention targets with the dual purpose of promoting the ageing of healthy memory or preventing or delaying the acceleration of decline, impairment and Perhaps dementia, "said McFall. For example, clinicians could target specific groups with an intervention to increase new cognitive activities in men or improve the mobility of people over 75 years of age.