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How trillion bacteria in your body can change your Gene

The new study is an exciting development of microbiome, and trillions of bacteria make up for communities living in our institutions.

Scientists are explore how to be aware the imbalance in these bacteria may result in new diagnostic and treatment. All this can have a positive impact of human health. Federal government recently announced a million dollars initiative "the goal is to advance microbiome scientific method will benefit individual, community and the planet." In a review about National microbiome initiative, the White House said: "if there is one thing, we know Yes, this is, although microbial may is small, their influence is a strong!" I agree.

What is microbiome it?

Bacterial make up for bacterial community (microbiota) in our body exists on our skin, and in our gut, urine, nose, or even breast tissue. They can be useful, even if necessary, our life and very active in our bodies. They sent chemicals that may affect how we digestion food, how we reaction drug, as well as how diseases often progress or not?

so how is microbiome related genetics it?

Short answer is, bacteria can affect how our Gene expression own. They do not due to changes in the actual genetic material (the's dna or rna's), while they may result in a genetic switch on or off, with activation or not. For example, a different microbial communities you can trigger inflammation (body's response injury), and inflammation can lead to changes in Gene expression. So bacterial cause inflammation, which lead to changes in the expression of genes. We call this apparent genetics, or how factors switch Gene on and off, and how to our body of the cell response of the activation. Study showed that microorganisms in our intestinal or elsewhere body may play a role in the development of a wide range of disease, including the type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma, multiple sclerosis and chronic pelvic pain.

Harnessing the power of the microbiome

Biotechnology company and researchers are actively working on the use of microbiome potential in medicine. We are looking for in the way to diagnosis disease detection of microbial imbalance, and treatment of diseases correct this imbalance. Below provides a snapshot method of microbiome is involved in five condition:

1.inflammatory bowel disease

An interesting Avenue is stool transplantation, a promising treatment of people digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis healthy people often grossed out the idea, but, if you are really sick and caught in a straw, you may welcome this remedy, including transplanting stool problem from one to another. Many patients with inflammatory bowel disease disease (ibd) or difficult intestinal infection three difficile has been deal effectively and manure transplantation, which can help make stubborn, unhealthy intestinal Flora health again, but this treatment not work for everyone. Why it's the treatment of some patients, but the other worse is what we are in the survey. Answer may be in a human genetic makeup.

2. cancer

Investigation continues to the relationship between the cancer and human microbiome. Line focus of the study help bacterial competition and tumor cells nutrients, so hungry tumor. We also find out the way to help bacterial activation of the immune system of attack the tumor cells. In Cleveland clinic, we have pioneered microbiome research on cancer. We have investigate the relationship between squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and its Associated with oral health, this means that a role of bacterial cause inflammation. We are looking to breast microbiome and its relationship between the development of breast cancer.

3. chronic pelvic pain

One of our latest survey involves the links between chronic pelvic pain syndrome (due to chronic prostatitis male) and microbiome. We have detected the difference in microbiome configuration file in the urine and intestinal the people who suffer from this disease compared to those who did not. My colleagues plan clinical experimental study on the effectiveness of certain drugs for these dysfunction microbiota.

4. heart disease

A full line of investigation in Cleveland clinic the focus of the link between the intestinal bacteria and heart disease. Certain intestinal bacteria feed on nutrients in Red meat, egg yolks and high-fat dairy products. Because they feed, they are to close chemicals known as trimethylamine (TMA). Your liver open trimethylamine to tmao (TMA -n oxide) and release it into the blood. There, tmao promote vasculitis and the formation of unstable plaque in arterial Wall - heart disease. This question is whether the diet can affect tmao. We believe that it can be.

5. obesity

Recent research Twins researchers in other local find those with a certain bacteria in their intestinal often have low body mass index (body mass index), added to the thinking bacterial may play a role in obesity and metabolic disease. These researchers also made a human genetics the influence of the composition of intestinal microbiome. So again, stool transplant - by skinny one of the people who are obese - may prove useful in those obesity uncontrollable usual measures.

What to do next?

Researchers in the country and around the world is committed to their understanding of the people microbiome, and how to bacterial affect our genes and disease. I look forward to return to you as their research reveals path health.