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New research shows that smoking accelerates the aging process

On January 16, 2019, in Rockville, Maryland - Insilico Medicine is one of the leaders in the field of biomarker development, digital medicine and aging research using artificial intelligence. The company announced in the journal " The Science Report published a new collaborative research paper entitled "Using Blood Biochemical Analysis to Determine Smokers' Smoking Status and Quantify Their Accelerated Aging Process."

Smoking has a negative impact on people's overall health in a number of ways, which has been proven long ago. Research conducted by Inco Intelligent scientists aims to determine the biological age difference between smokers and non-smokers, using the latest advances in blood biochemistry and artificial intelligence to assess the impact of smoking using ages developed by research-supervised deep learning techniques. The predictive model, which analyzes many biochemical markers, including measurements of glycated hemoglobin, urea, fasting blood glucose, and ferritin.

The results of the study show that smokers have a higher aging rate. Whether the smoker is male or female, the predicted age is twice the actual physiological age compared to non-smokers. The results were based on blood characteristics of 149,000 adults.

Other studies have shown that deep learning analysis of routine blood tests can replace self-reported smoking methods, which are currently unreliable. In addition, deep learning analysis can be used to assess other lifestyle and environmental factors for aging. Impact.