Chrysanthemum parthenium
Chrysanthemum parthenium
Chrysanthemum parthenium is a traditional medicinal herb which is found in many old gardens, and is also occasionally grown for ornament. Feverfew was native to Eurasia; specifically the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia and the Caucasus, but cultivation has spread it around the world and it is now also found in Europe, the Mediterranean, North America and Chile. The word "feverfew" derives from the Latin word febrifugia, meaning "fever reducer." The plant has been used as a herbal treatment to reduce fever and to treat headaches, arthritis and digestive problems, though scientific evidence does not support anything beyond a placebo effect. Twenty-nine components were identified in the essential oil; the highest amount was extracted at the flowering stage. The main component, in the flowering stage, was camphor and other major components were bornyl acetate, camphene, bornyl isovalerate, borneol, juniper camphor and beta-eudesmol.
Products from Chrysanthemum parthenium
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN4896 Parthenolide 20554-84-1 PDF
- BCN5332 Stachydrine hydrochloride 4136-37-2 PDF
- BCN6148 Taraxerol 127-22-0 PDF
- BCN1015 Beta-Sitosterol 83-46-5 PDF