Delphinium grandiflorum L.
Delphinium grandiflorum L.
Delphinium grandiflorum, Stem (14--)30--65 cm tall, branched. Leaf blade 4--12 cm wide, base cordate; primary lobes separate for at least 90% of blade radius; proximal leaves withered or not. Raceme 5--20 cm, 3--10-flowered, appressed puberulent, rarely mixed with yellow, glandular hairs; proximal bracts leaflike, distal ones linear. Pedicels 1.5--4(--7) cm; bracteoles borne near middle of pedicel or distally, linear or subulate, 3.5--7 mm. Sepals purple-blue or blue, abaxially puberulent; spur subulate or cylindric-subulate, 1.5--2 (--2.2) cm, straight or slightly recurved, base 2.5--3.5 mm in diam.; other sepals 1--1.9 cm. Petals undivided, glabrous. Staminode limb suborbicular or broadly obovate, entire, emarginate, or 2-lobulate, rarely 2-lobed, yellow barbate. Five known diterpenoid alkaloids lycoctonine (I), methyllycaconitine (II), delsemine A (III), delavaine A (IV) , delajadine (V) and the other two beta-sitosterol (VI), plamitic acid (VII) were isolated from the roots of Delphinium grandiflorum.
Products from Delphinium grandiflorum L.
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN5405 Delsoline 509-18-2 PDF
- BCN5245 Kaempferol 3-neohesperidoside 32602-81-6 PDF
- BCN2296 Kaempferol-7-O-D-glucopyranoside 16290-07-6 PDF
- BCN4376 Stigmasterol 83-48-7 PDF
- BCN4865 Stigmasterol glucoside 19716-26-8 PDF