Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim.
Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim.
Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim. Subshrubs. Stems 7-100 cm, glabrous to puberulent. Petiole 1-4(-15) mm; leaf blade linear to broadly elliptic, oblanceolate to obovate, or rarely lanceolate to ovate, 1.5-6(-9) X (0.4-)0.8-2(-3.8) cm, leathery, glabrous, rarely puberulent, base narrowly to broadly cuneate, rarely rounded, margin apically serrate to crenate, dentate, or subentire, basally subentire, apex acute to subtruncate; lateral veins 3-6 on each side of midrib, often obscure, flat. Cymes 1-3(-12)-flowered; peduncle 0.3-2.6(-5) cm, glabrous; bracts linear to ovate or oblanceolate, 1-4 X 0.4-1 mm. Pedicel 3-10(-17) mm. Calyx 5-sect from to near base; tube to 1 mm; segments (1-)2-7(-8) mm, glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulent or with a few hairs at tip. Two new flavone glucosides, nevadensin 5-O-beta-D-glucoside and nevadensin 5-O-beta-D-glucosyl(1-->6)beta-D-glucoside, have been isolated from the aerial parts of Lysionotus pauciflorus.
Products from Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim.
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
Lysionotin 152743-19-6