Croton tiglium L.
Croton tiglium L.
Croton tiglium, known as Purging Croton, is a plant species in the Euphorbiaceae family. It is one of the 50 fundamental herbs of used in traditional Chinese medicine. Major known ingredients are: glyceryl crotonate, crotonic acid, crotonic resin, and the tumor-promoting phorbol esters phorbol formate, phorbol butyrate, and phorbol crotonate. This is known as Japaala in Sinhala and used in Sinhala traditional medical system of Sri Lanka.This is also called JamaalGota in Hindi and Urdu. The seed oil contains crotin, tiglic and crotonic acid, and crotonoside, and is very poisonous, being a drastic purgative and often causing pustular eruptions on the skin. The seeds are used to stupefy fish. The root and leaves are used as an external medicine for rheumatalgia and also as an insecticide.
Products from Croton tiglium L.
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
Beta-Sitosterol 83-46-5
Crotonoside 1818-71-9
Ferulamide 61012-31-5