Myosin belongs to family of motor protein which transforms the chemical energy into mechanical energy via ATP hydrolysis. It is responsible for muscle contractions.
Products for Myosin
- Cat.No. Product Name Information
- BCC5425 BTSSelective inhibitor of skeletal muscle myosin II ATPase activity
- BCC5828 MLCK inhibitor peptide 18Selective inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase
- BCC5852 MLCK inhibitor peptide
- BCC6644 ML 9 hydrochlorideMyosin light chain kinase inhibitor
- BCC7169 (±)-BlebbistatinSelective inhibitor of myosin II ATPase activity
- BCC7195 (R)-(+)-Blebbistatinnon-muscle myosin II ATPases inhibitor, cell-permeable