Plants Catalog
Natural products sometimes have pharmacological or biological activity that has therapeutic benefits in treating disease. Therefore, natural products are not only the active ingredients of most traditional medicines, but also the active ingredients of many modern medicines. Furthermore, since the structural diversity of natural products exceeds the structural diversity that can be easily achieved by chemical synthesis, and synthetic analogs with improved efficacy and safety can be prepared, natural products are often used as a starting point for drug discovery.
- Plant Code Plant Name
- 10068 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artemisia annua L.
- 10069 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artemisia annua L. F. Macrocephala Pamp
- 10070 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant.
- 10071 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artemisia capillaris Thunb.
- 10072 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit.
- 10073 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Artocarpus heterophyllus
- 10074 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Arundo donax L.
- 10075 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Asarum sieboldii Miq.
- 10077 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Aster tataricus L. f.
- 10079 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Astragalus complanatus R. Brown.
- 10080 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge
- 10081 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Astragalus membranaceus ( Fish ) Bunge var. Mongholicus (Bunge) Hsiao
- 10083 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz
- 10084 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC.
- 10085 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.
- 10087 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Aucklandia lappa
- 10088 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Aucuba chinensis Benrth.
- 10089 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Azadirachta indica
- 10090 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Balsamodendren ehrenbergianum
- 10092 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Baphicacanthus cusia
- 10093 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC.
- 10094 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Berchemia kulingensis Schneid
- 10095 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Bergenia purpurascens Engl.
- 10096 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Beta vulgaris L.
- 10097 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Betula alba L.