Plants Catalog
Natural products sometimes have pharmacological or biological activity that has therapeutic benefits in treating disease. Therefore, natural products are not only the active ingredients of most traditional medicines, but also the active ingredients of many modern medicines. Furthermore, since the structural diversity of natural products exceeds the structural diversity that can be easily achieved by chemical synthesis, and synthetic analogs with improved efficacy and safety can be prepared, natural products are often used as a starting point for drug discovery.
- Plant Code Plant Name
- 10248 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Ferula sinkiangensis K.M.Shen
- 10250 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Flemingia macrophylla
- 10251 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Foeniculum vulgare
- 10253 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Fraxinus brngeana DC.
- 10254 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Fraxinus chinensis Roxb
- 10255 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don
- 10257 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Fritillaria unibracteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsia
- 10258 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Galium aparine L.
- 10259 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst
- 10261 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Garcinia hamburgy Hook. f.
- 10263 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Garcinia oblongifolia Champ.
- 10264 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis
- 10267 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gelsemium elegans (Gardn. et Champ.) Benth.
- 10269 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk.
- 10270 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gentiana macrophylla Pall
- 10271 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Ginkgo biloba L.
- 10272 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Glehnia littoralis
- 10274 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Glycyrrhiza glabra L.
- 10275 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Glycyrrhiza inflata Batalin
- 10276 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.
- 10277 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gnetum montanum Markgr.
- 10278 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gossypium herbaceum L.
- 10279 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino
- 10280 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Gyuostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb) Makino
- 10281 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Hedera nepalensis K. Koch var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd.