Petasites tricholobus Franch.
Petasites tricholobus Franch.
Petasites tricholobus, Plants subdioecious. Rhizomes short, with numerous fibrous roots, thinly arachnoid-lanate. Scapes emerging from rhizomes in early spring. Stems of female synflorescences 27-60 cm tall, with scale-shaped leaves; bracteal leaves ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 cm, basal leaves long petiolate; blade broadly reniform-cordate, 2-8 cm, both surfaces white lanate, or later ± glabrescent, palmately veined, margin finely toothed, with cartilaginous mucronulate teeth. Male capitula arranged in terminal corymbs or panicles; corolla tubular, segments lanceolate; style exceeding corolla, stigma capitate, slightly branched. Two novel pentacyclic triterpenoids, petatrichol A (1) and petatrichol B (2), along with 10 known compounds, were isolated from the rhizome of Petasites tricholobus, their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. A new bakkenolide-type compound, bakkenolide-Va(1), was isolated from the rhizome of Petasites tricholobus.
Products from Petasites tricholobus Franch.
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN5402 Bakkenolide A 19906-72-0 PDF
- BCN5725 Lupeol 545-47-1 PDF
- BCN1015 Beta-Sitosterol 83-46-5 PDF
- BCN5531 Daucosterol 474-58-8 PDF