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The soybean (U.S.) or soya bean (UK) (Glycine max) is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses. The plant is classed as an oilseed rather than a pulse by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Soybean is an important cash crop with unique and important traits such as the high seed protein and oil contents, and the ability to perform symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Together, soybean oil and protein content account for about 60% of dry soybeans by weight; protein at 40% and oil at 20%. The remainder consists of 35% carbohydrate and about 5% ash. Soybean cultivars comprise approximately 8% seed coat or hull, 90% cotyledons and 2% hypocotyl axis or germ. Soybeans can be broadly classified as "vegetable" (garden) or field (oil) types. Vegetable types cook more easily, have a mild, nutty flavor, better texture, are larger in size, higher in protein, and lower in oil than field types.

Products from  Soybean

  1. Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
  2. BCN1231 Cyanidin Chloride 528-58-5 PDF
  3. BCN1230 Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride 7084-24-4 PDF
  4. BCN5590 Daidzein 486-66-8 PDF
  5. BCN5891 Daidzin 552-66-9 PDF
  6. BCN6313 Proanthocyanidins 4852-22-6 PDF
  7. BCN5895 Glycitin 40246-10-4 PDF
  8. BCN5896 Glycitein 40957-83-3 PDF