Plants Catalog
Natural products sometimes have pharmacological or biological activity that has therapeutic benefits in treating disease. Therefore, natural products are not only the active ingredients of most traditional medicines, but also the active ingredients of many modern medicines. Furthermore, since the structural diversity of natural products exceeds the structural diversity that can be easily achieved by chemical synthesis, and synthetic analogs with improved efficacy and safety can be prepared, natural products are often used as a starting point for drug discovery.
- Plant Code Plant Name
- 10552 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Thymus serpyllum L.
- 10553 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr.
- 10554 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Taraxacum mongolicum Hand. Mazz.
- 10555 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Toxicodendron succedaneum (L.)O.Kuntze
- 10559 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Trichosanthes kirilowii
- 10560 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Trifolium pratense L.
- 10561 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
- 10562 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f.
- 10563 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Trollius chinensis Bunge
- 10564 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Turpinia arguta Seem.
- 10566 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Typha orientalis Presl.
- 10567 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Typhonium giganteum Engl.
- 10569 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Uncaria sinensis (Oliv.) Havil.
- 10570 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Usnea diffracta Vain.
- 10571 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke
- 10572 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vaccinium myrtillus
- 10573 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.
- 10574 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Valeriana officinalis L.
- 10575 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Veratrum grandiflorum Loes.
- 10576 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Verbascum thapsus L.
- 10578 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Viola yedonensis Makino
- 10579 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vitex negundo Linn. var. cannabifolia
- 10580 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham.
- 10581 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Vitis vinifera L.
- 10582 Natural compounds/products isolated and purified from Wolfiporia cocos (Schw.) Ryv.