Phellodendron Chinense Schneid.
Phellodendron Chinense Schneid.
Phellodendron chinense is a plant species in the genus Phellodendron. The isocoumarin derivative 3-acetyl-3,4-dihydro-5,6-dimethoxy-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one can be found in Huáng bǎi (P. chinense), one of the fifty fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine. Phellodendron chinense, Trees to 15 m tall. Leaves 7-15-foliolate; rachis glabrous, thinly pubescent, or rust-colored tomentose; leaflet blades ovate-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 8-15 × 3.5-6 cm, papery, base cuneate to attenuate and oblique, apex mucronate to acuminate. Inflorescences and infructescence ± compact, rachis, branches, and pedicels robust. Fruit subglobose to ellipsoid, 1-1.5 cm in diam. Seeds 6-7 × 3-5 mm. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Sep-Nov. Mixed broad-leaved forests, open to dense forests; 800-1500(-3000) m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
Products from Phellodendron Chinense Schneid.
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN4911 Berberine 2086-83-1 PDF
- BCN5285 Palmatine 3486-67-7 PDF
- BCN5319 Jatrorrhizine 3621-38-3 PDF
- BCN4956 Jatrorrhizine Hydrochloride 6681-15-8 PDF
- BCN5933 Phellodendrine 6873-13-8 PDF
- BCN5934 Phellodendrine chloride 104112-82-5 PDF
- BCN4303 Obacunone 751-03-1 PDF
- BCN6319 Berberine hydrochloride 633-65-8 PDF
- BCN2334 D-Tetrahydropalmatine 3520-14-7 PDF
- BCN2648 Tetrahydroberberine 522-97-4 PDF
- BCN5678 Phellamurin 52589-11-4 PDF
- BCN6031 Phellochin 115334-04-8 PDF
- BCN6032 Dihydroniloticin 115334-05-9 PDF
- BCN6033 Niloticin 115404-57-4 PDF
- BCN6043 5,5'-Dimethoxylariciresinol 116498-58-9 PDF
- BCN3467 Phellolactone 1190897-23-4 PDF
- BCN1580 3Beta-acetoxy-eupha-7,25-dien-24(R)-ol 1352001-09-2 PDF
- BCN3137 8-Oxypalmatine 19716-59-7 PDF
- BCN5818 Piscidinol A 100198-09-2 PDF
- BCN4259 Bourjotinolone A 6985-35-9 PDF
- BCN4293 Hispidone 73891-72-2 PDF