Angelica dahurica Benth. et Hook
Angelica dahurica Benth. et Hook
Angelica dahurica is a wildy grown species of angelica native to Siberia, Russia Far East, Mongolia, Northeastern China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. This species tend to grow near river banks, along streams and among rocky shrubs. The root of the plant is widely used for its medicinal properties and is known to contain furanocoumarins and angelicotoxin. A. dahurica is also commonly known by its Chinese name, Bai Zhi. Aside from the medicinal properties that this plant offers, this species also contain furocoumarins which increases skin sensitivity to sunlight and may cause dermatitis. Another compound called the angelicotoxin, is an active ingredient within the root. This has an excitatory effect on the respiratory system, central nervous system, and the vasculomotor system of the body. The stalks of this plant have also been commonly used as a food ingredient.
Products from Angelica dahurica Benth. et Hook
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN5897 Isoimperatorin 482-45-1 PDF
- BCN5574 Imperatorin 482-44-0 PDF
- BCN2377 Isobergapten 482-48-4 PDF
- BCN5000 Byakangelicin 19573-01-4 PDF
- BCN5015 Byakangelicol 26091-79-2 PDF
- BCN4219 Psoralen 66-97-7 PDF
- BCN1015 Beta-Sitosterol 83-46-5 PDF
- BCN1206 Palmitic acid 57-10-3 PDF
- BCN2732 8-Hydroxybergapten 1603-47-0 PDF
- BCN2698 Oxypeucedanin hydrate 2643-85-8 PDF
- BCN5288 Neobyakangelicol 35214-82-5 PDF
- BCN2736 Oxyimperatorin 35740-18-2 PDF
- BCN5582 Bergapten 484-20-8 PDF
- BCN5001 Alpha-Angelica lactone 591-12-8 PDF
- BCN2731 Cnidilin 14348-22-2 PDF
- BCN2494 Oxypeucedanin 737-52-0 PDF