Momordica charantia
Momordica charantia
Momordica charantia often called bitter melon, bitter gourd or bitter squash in English, has many other local names. Goya from the indigenous language of Okinawa where there is a large US military presence and karavella from Sanskrit are also used by English-language speakers. It is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit, which is among the most bitter of all fruits. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. This is a plant of the tropics. The plant contains several biologically active compounds, chiefly momordicin I and momordicin II, and cucurbitacin B. The plants contains also several bioactive glycosides (including momordin, charantin, charantosides, goyaglycosides, momordicosides) and other terpenoid compounds (including momordicin-28, momordicinin, momordicilin, momordenol, and momordol).
Products from Momordica charantia
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN4349 Momordicoside G 81371-54-2 PDF
- BCN6123 Clerosterol glucoside 123621-00-1 PDF
- BCN4353 Momordicoside I aglycone 81910-41-0 PDF
- BCN1328 5,19-Epoxy-19R,25-dimethoxycucurbita-6,23-dien-3-ol 85372-72-1 PDF
- BCN4455 Karavilagenin A 912329-03-4 PDF
- BCN1341 5,19-Epoxy-25-methoxycucurbita-6,23-dien-3-ol 81910-39-6 PDF
- BCN4480 Karavilagenin D 934739-29-4 PDF
- BCN3342 Cucurbitadienol 35012-08-9 PDF
- BCN3055 Kuguacin J 1141453-65-7 PDF
- BCN3056 Kuguacin N 1141453-73-7 PDF
- BCN3483 Charantadiol A 1220890-23-2 PDF
- BCN3057 Kuguacin R 191097-54-8 PDF
- BCN4940 Bombiprenone 21978-49-4 PDF
- BCN3276 Kuguaglycoside C 1041631-93-9 PDF
- BCN1329 5,19-Epoxy-19S,25-dimethoxycucurbita-6,23-dien-3-ol 85372-70-9 PDF
- BCN3058 Momordicine I 91590-76-0 PDF