Cullen corylifolium
Cullen corylifolium
1. The products in our compound library are selected from thousands of unique natural products; 2. It has the characteristics of diverse structure, diverse sources and wide coverage of activities; 3. Provide information on the activity of products from major journals, patents and research reports around the world, providing theoretical direction and research basis for further research and screening; 4. Free combination according to the type, source, target and disease of natural product; 5. The compound powder is placed in a covered tube and then discharged into a 10 x 10 cryostat; 6. Transport in ice pack or dry ice pack. Please store it at -20 °C as soon as possible after receiving the product, and use it as soon as possible after opening.
Natural products/compounds from Cullen corylifolium
- Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
- BCN5845 Bakuchiol10309-37-2 Instructions
- BCN5816 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde123-08-0 Instructions
- BCN5414 Psoralidin18642-23-4 Instructions
- BCN4871 Bavachinin19879-30-2 Instructions
- BCN4872 Bavachin19879-32-4 Instructions
- BCN5415 Isobavachalcone20784-50-3 Instructions
- BCN4908 4'-O-Methylbroussochalcone B20784-60-5 Instructions
- BCN3193 Bavachalcone28448-85-3 Instructions
- BCN5232 Isobavachin31524-62-6 Instructions
- BCN3194 Neobavaisoflavone41060-15-5 Instructions
- BCN5669 Angelicin523-50-2 Instructions
- BCN5716 Corylin53947-92-5 Instructions
- BCN5891 Daidzin552-66-9 Instructions
- BCX1469 4-Hydroxylonchocarpin56083-03-5 Instructions
- BCN4219 Psoralen66-97-7 Instructions
- BCN3198 Corylifol A775351-88-7 Instructions
- BCN4527 Allantoin97-59-6 Instructions
Estrogenic properties of coumarins and meroterpene from the fruits of Cullen corylifolium: Experimental and computational studies.[Pubmed: 29772410]
Bavachalcone from Cullen corylifolium induces apoptosis and autophagy in HepG2 cells.[Pubmed: 29496173]
Cullen corylifolium is a plant widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for its stomachic, anthelmintic, and diuretic properties. Bavachalcone, which is known as a component of C. corylifolium has been reported to inhibit osteoclast differentiation. However, the anticancer efficacy and mechanism of C. corylifolium and bavachalcone have not been studied.
Modulation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in LPS-Stimulated BV-2 Microglia by Prenylated Chalcones from Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik. through Inhibition of I-κBα Degradation.[Pubmed: 29300354]