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Products for Natural Products

  1. Cat.No. Product Name Information
  2. BCN5868 Sitostenone Botanical Source:The roots of Xanthium sibiricum CAS NO.:1058-61-3 Sitostenone
  3. BCN2697 Obtusilin Botanical Source:The herbs of Aglaia odorata Lour. CAS NO.:105870-59-5 Obtusilin
  4. BCN5869 Taraxasterol Botanical Source:1 Cynara sp. 2 Echinops sp. 3 Eupatorium sp. 4 Inula sp. 5 Saussurea sp. 6 Taraxacum sp. CAS NO.:1059-14-9 Taraxasterol
  5. BCN5870 Sulfocostunolide B Botanical Source:The roots of Saussurea lappa CAS NO.:1059671-65-6 Sulfocostunolide B
  6. BCN5871 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol Botanical Source:The herbs of Canarium album CAS NO.:10597-60-1 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol
  7. BCN2631 Geraniol Botanical Source:The herb of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. CAS NO.:106-24-1 Geraniol
  8. BCN8517 Nerol Botanical Source: CAS NO.:106-25-2 Nerol
  9. BCN5914 Palmatine hydrochloride Botanical Source:1 Berberis sp. 2 Corydalis sp. 3 Jateorhiza sp. 4 Mahonia sp. 5 Zanthoxylum sp. CAS NO.:10605-02-4 Palmatine hydrochloride
  10. BCN3133 Sikokianin A Botanical Source:The roots of Stellera chamaejasme Linn. CAS NO.:106293-99-6 Sikokianin A
  11. BCN1034 Nomilin Botanical Source:The fruits of Citrus reticulata Blanco. CAS NO.:1063-77-0 Nomilin
  12. BCN3067 Deoxymorellin Botanical Source:The herbs of Garcinia hanburyi Hook. f. CAS NO.:1064-34-2 Deoxymorellin
  13. BCN7887 Korepimedoside A Botanical Source:The herbs of Epimedium koreanum CAS NO.:106441-31-0 Korepimedoside A
  14. BCN8158 Ganoderiol A Botanical Source:The fruit body of Ganoderma lucidum CAS NO.:106518-61-0 Ganoderiol A
  15. BCN5872 Ganodermanontriol Botanical Source:The fruit body of Ganoderma lucidum CAS NO.:106518-63-2 Ganodermanontriol
  16. BCN2562 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid Botanical Source:The herbs of Guazuma ulmifolia CAS NO.:106562-32-7 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid
  17. BCN6553 Hederacolchiside A1 Botanical Source:1 Hedera sp. 2 Pulsatilla sp. CAS NO.:106577-39-3 Hederacolchiside A1
  18. BCN1633 3,10-Dihydroxy-5,11-dielmenthadiene-4,9-dione Botanical Source:The herbs of Callitris macleayana CAS NO.:106623-23-8 3,10-Dihydroxy-5,11-dielmenthadiene-4,9-dione
  19. BCN8126 Qingyangshengenin A Botanical Source:The herbs of Cynanchum otophyllum CAS NO.:106644-33-1 Qingyangshengenin A
  20. BCN7743 Trachelosiaside Botanical Source:The leaves of Trachelospermum lucidum (D. Don) Schum. CAS NO.:106647-12-5 Trachelosiaside
  21. BCN2848 Matairesinol 4'-O-beta-gentiobioside Botanical Source:The herbs of Trachelospermum jasminoides CAS NO.:106647-14-7 Matairesinol 4'-O-beta-gentiobioside
  22. BCN3365 24-Deacetylalisol O Botanical Source:The tubers of Alisma plantago-aquatica Linn. CAS NO.:1067510-31-9 24-Deacetylalisol O
  23. BCN7267 Otophylloside B Botanical Source:The roots of Cynanchum otophyllum. CAS NO.:106758-54-7 Otophylloside B
  24. BCN1632 5-Allyl-3-methoxy-6-methyl-7-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-ene-2,8-dione Botanical Source:The herbs of Cassia fistula CAS NO.:106894-43-3 5-Allyl-3-methoxy-6-methyl-7-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-ene-2,8-dione
  25. BCN1814 Propylamine Botanical Source: CAS NO.:107-10-8 Propylamine
  26. BCN1750 Taurine Botanical Source:The Macrocallista nimbosa CAS NO.:107-35-7 Taurine

Items 226 to 250 of 11575 total