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Products for Natural Products

  1. Cat.No. Product Name Information
  2. BCN4275 Sarmentosin Botanical Source:The herb of Sedum sarmetosum Bunge CAS NO.:71933-54-5 Sarmentosin
  3. BCN6264 Dihydroartemisinin Botanical Source:The herb of Artemisia annua L. CAS NO.:71939-50-9 Dihydroartemisinin
  4. BCN7170 2-Geranyl-4-isobutyrylphloroglucinol Botanical Source:The herbs of Eucalyptus robusta CAS NO.:72008-03-8 2-Geranyl-4-isobutyrylphloroglucinol
  5. BCN4276 Henryoside Botanical Source:The herbs of Alangium chinense CAS NO.:72021-23-9 Henryoside
  6. BCN4595 Lochnericine Botanical Source:The herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don CAS NO.:72058-36-7 Lochnericine
  7. BCN4277 Sepinol Botanical Source:The herbs of Sophora viciifolia CAS NO.:72061-63-3 Sepinol
  8. BCN1644 Spinosin Botanical Source:The seeds of Zizyphus jujuba CAS NO.:72063-39-9 Spinosin
  9. BCN5459 Nerolidol Botanical Source:The peel of Citrus maxima CAS NO.:7212-44-4 Nerolidol
  10. BCN7119 2-Hydroxyplatyphyllide Botanical Source:The roots of Ligularia songarica. CAS NO.:72145-19-8 2-Hydroxyplatyphyllide
  11. BCN2111 Parsonsine Botanical Source: CAS NO.:72213-98-0 Parsonsine
  12. BCN7482 Echitovenidine Botanical Source:The fruits of Alstonia venenata. CAS NO.:7222-35-7 Echitovenidine
  13. BCN2490 2-Hydroxyeupatolide Botanical Source:The herbs of Eupatorium lindleyanum CAS NO.:72229-33-5 2-Hydroxyeupatolide
  14. BCN7340 2alpha-Hydroxyeupatolide 8-O-angelate Botanical Source:The herbs of Eupatorium chinense var. tozanense. CAS NO.:72229-39-1 2alpha-Hydroxyeupatolide 8-O-angelate
  15. BCN4278 Laurifoline Botanical Source:The herbs of Lindera aggregata CAS NO.:7224-61-5 Laurifoline
  16. BCN3031 Malvidin-3-O-glucoside chloride Botanical Source:1 Erica sp. 2 Malva sp. 3 Phaseolus sp. 4 Primula sp. 5 Rhododendron sp. 6 Vaccinium sp. 7 Vitis sp. CAS NO.:7228-78-6 Malvidin-3-O-glucoside chloride
  17. BCN1858 Streptolydigin Botanical Source:The Streptomyces lydicus CAS NO.:7229-50-7 Streptolydigin
  18. BCN2038 Rivularine Botanical Source: CAS NO.:723-78-4 Rivularine
  19. BCN4965 Beta-Carotene Botanical Source:The roots of Daucus carota CAS NO.:7235-40-7 Beta-Carotene
  20. BCN3256 Licoflavone C Botanical Source:The roots of Glycyrrhiza inflata CAS NO.:72357-31-4 Licoflavone C
  21. BCN1916 Isobellendine Botanical Source: CAS NO.:72362-45-9 Isobellendine
  22. BCN1896 2,3-Dihydrobellendine Botanical Source: CAS NO.:72362-47-1 2,3-Dihydrobellendine
  23. BCN4279 Yuheinoside Botanical Source:The herbs of Pedicularis cephalantha CAS NO.:72396-01-1 Yuheinoside
  24. BCN7581 6-Methoxydihydrosanguinarine Botanical Source:The herbs of Hylomecon hylomeconoides. CAS NO.:72401-54-8 6-Methoxydihydrosanguinarine
  25. BCN4861 11-Hydroxytephrosin Botanical Source:The herbs of Derris robusta CAS NO.:72458-85-6 11-Hydroxytephrosin
  26. BCN4991 Praeruptorin C Botanical Source:The roots of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn. CAS NO.:72463-77-5 Praeruptorin C

Items 6001 to 6025 of 11575 total