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Hot products from BioCrick which is a professional high-purity natural products manufacturer are well known to scientists around the world because of their high purity and stability. Each product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism—that is, found in nature. In the broadest sense, natural products include any substance produced by life.Natural products remain the best sources of drugs and drug leads, and this remains true today despite the fact that many pharmaceutical companies have deemphasized natural products research in favor of HTP screening of combinatorial libraries during the past 2 decades. From 1940s to date, 131 (74.8%) out of 175 small molecule anticancer drugs are natural product-based/inspired, with 85 (48.6%) being either natural products or derived therefrom. From 1981 to date, 79 (80%) out of 99 small molecule anticancer drugs are natural product-based/inspired, with 53 (53%) being either natural products or derived therefrom. Among the 20 approved small molecule New Chemical Entities (NCEs) in 2010, a half of them are natural products.

Hot products from the professional high-purity natural products manufacturer

Cat.No. Product Name
BCN2130 Senecionine N-oxide
1.Senecionine N-oxide and senecionine have hepatotoxic activity, no antifertility effects in MeOH extract-treated hamsters.
BCN2133 Riddelline
1. Riddelline is a potent genotoxic agent in vitro and induces significant elevations in unscheduled DNA synthesis and S-phase synthesis in rat liver.
BCN2136 Senkirkine
1. Brood pattern analysis with Senkirkine shows maximum sensitivity in the late spermatid stage of spermatogenesis.
BCN2141 Ligularidine
1. Ligularidine has significantly high mutagenic activity.
BCN2145 Trichodesmine
1. Trichodesmine has greater lethality and neurotoxicity than monocrotaline, because of the two structural characteristics: (a) steric hindrance at position 14 of dehydroTrichodesmine results in greater resistance to hydrolysis, allowing more to be released from the liver and to be delivered to the brain; (b) the larger isopropyl substituent at position 14 of dehydroTrichodesmine renders the molecule more lipophilic, leading to greater penetration of the brain.
BCN2149 Antibiotic PF 1018
1. Antibiotic PF 1018 is an insecticidal agent.
BCN2154 Cassipourine
1. Cassipourine and gerrardine show antibacterial activity.
BCN2155 Gramodendrine
1. Gramodendrine and ammodendrine are moderately potent (300 mg/kg, ip) in reducing spontaneous motor activity (30% of control) and in causing central nervous system depression (50% of control). spect.