Apoptosis Inducers
Apoptosis, a programmed cell death to eliminate damaged or abnormal cells, is a highly organized physiological process characterized by condensation of nuclear heterochromatin, cell shrinkage and loss of positional organization of organelles in the cytoplasm. Apoptosis inducers are a collection of compounds that are capable of inducing apoptosis in cells. Apoptosis has been extensively studied in numerous researches, where induction of apoptosis has been associated with a variety of events, including activation of p53 gene, transcription factor NF-κB or caspases. Apoptosis inducers have the potential to be incorporated into the management and therapy or prevention of cancer for their ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells.
Products for Apoptosis Inducers
- Cat.No. Product Name Information
- BCN5384 Atractyloside potassium salt
- BCN5524 Betulinic acid
- BCN1016 Capsaicin Prototypic vanilloid receptor agonist
- BCN4804 Deguelin Anticancer and antiviral agent; chemopreventive and pro-apoptotic
- BCN5650 Matrine
- BCN4037 Piplartine Induces apoptosis; depletes androgen receptors in prostate cancer cells
- BCN2586 Plumbagin Induces p53 Ser10 phosphorylation; anticancer
- BCN3834 Streptozotocin DNA alkylator; antitumor and induces diabetes
- BCC1153 Bendamustine HClCytostatic agent; exhibits DNA alkylating and purine analog properties
- BCC1306 3,3'-DiindolylmethaneActivates Chk2; induces G2/M cell cycle arrest
- BCC1397 BAM7Selective Bax activator; induces Bax-mediated apoptosis
- BCC1438 BrassinolidePlant growth regulator
- BCC1879 R1530Multi-RTK inhibitor; inhibits angiogenesis
- BCC1955 SMIP004Apoptosis inducer;downre
- BCC2012 TrabectedinAntitumour agent
- BCC2228 2-Methoxyestradiol (2-MeOE2)Apoptotic and antiangiogenic agent
- BCC2384 2,3-DCPE hydrochlorideBcl-XL protein expression downregulator
- BCC2385 Actinomycin DInhibits RNA polymerase
- BCC2386 C 75Potent fatty acid synthase inhibitor; proapoptotic
- BCC2387 CHM 1Potent antitumor agent; inducer of apoptosis
- BCC2388 Mitomycin CUsed for MEF/STO feeder layer preparation in stem cell culture
- BCC2389 NSC 687852 (b-AP15)Inhibitor of UCHL5 and USP14
- BCC2390 Oncrasin 1Proapoptotic agent
- BCC3653 CycloheximideInhibitor of protein synthesis
- BCC4237 PM00104
- BCC5132 MeisoindigoApoptosis inducer;potential agent for AML
- BCC5457 Raltegravir potassium salt
- BCC5479 EpibrassinolidePotential apoptosis inducer;steroidal plant growth stimulant
- BCC6520 PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor 2PD-1/PD-L1 interaction inhibitor
- BCC8017 CFM 4CARP-1 mimetic; induces G2/M cell cycle arrest