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Products for alkaloids

  1. Cat.No. Product Name Information
  2. BCN2289 (R)-(+)-Corypalmine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  3. BCN4027 1-(4-Methoxycinnamoyl)pyrrole This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum L.
  4. BCN3690 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronorharman-1-one This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  5. BCN1557 1,2-Epoxy-1-hydroxymethylpyrrolizidine
  6. BCN1573 1,2-Methylenedioxy-3,10,11-trimethoxynoraporphine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cassytha filiformis
  7. BCN4036 1-(3,4-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)piperidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum L.
  8. BCN1605 1,3-Dihydroxy-4-methoxy-10-methylacridin-9(10H)-one This product is isolated and purified from the stem bark of Micromelum hirsutum
  9. BCN1369 1,4-Dihydro-1,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Micromelum sp.
  10. BCN3101 1-Acetyl-beta-carboline This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  11. BCN1773 1-Amino-2-methylpropan-2-ol This product is isolated and purified from the Neurospora crassa
  12. BCN4006 1-Cinnamoylpyrrole This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum
  13. BCN4086 1-Cinnamoylpyrrolidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum
  14. BCN3102 1-Ethoxycarbonyl-beta-carboline This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  15. BCN1801 1-Heptylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Tectona grandis
  16. BCN3103 1-Hydroxy-9-medroxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  17. BCN4347 1-Hydroxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  18. BCN5709 1-Hydroxyrutaecarpine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.
  19. BCN1919 1-Hydroxytropacocaine
  20. BCN5282 1-Methoxycarbonyl-beta-carboline This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  21. BCN3946 1-Methoxyindole-3-carboxylic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isatis indigotica
  22. BCN4343 Schinifoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Capsicum annuum L.
  23. BCN4943 1-Methyl-2-pentyl-4(1H)-quinolinone This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa.
  24. BCN4001 10-Hydroxy-16-epiaffinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  25. BCN1226 10-Hydroxycamptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  26. BCN3906 10-Hydroxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  27. BCN5502 10-Hydroxydihydroperaksine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  28. BCN6078 10-Hydroxyscandine This product is isolated and purified from the stem bark of Melodinus tenuicaudatus
  29. BCN2581 10-Nitro-camptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  30. BCN4436 11,12-De(methylenedioxy)danuphylline This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Kopsia officinalis
  31. BCN3104 11-Hydroxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  32. BCN6061 11-Hydroxycodaphniphylline This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Daphniphyllum subverticillatum
  33. BCN4761 11-Hydroxygelsenicine This product is isolated and purified from the Stems of Gelsemium elegans
  34. BCN4863 11-Hydroxyhumantenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  35. BCN4814 11-Hydroxyrankinidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  36. BCN5050 11-Hydroxytabersonine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Melodinus fusiformis
  37. BCN4142 11-Methoxyuncarine C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla
  38. BCN2800 12-Epinapelline This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  39. BCN2125 12-O-Acetylrosmarinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio pleistocephalus
  40. BCN3204 13-Hydroxylupanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cytisus scoparius
  41. BCN3355 13-Hydroxyoxyberberine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Thalictrum aquilegifolium
  42. BCN5619 14,15-Didehydroisoeburnamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melodinus khasianus
  43. BCN6002 14,15-Didehydrovincamenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melodinus khasianus Hook. f.
  44. BCN3915 16-Epikoumidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  45. BCN4030 16-Epinormacusine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Voacanga africana
  46. BCN3940 16-Epivoacarpine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  47. BCN1618 16-O-Methyl-14,15-didehydroisovincanol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melodinus khasianus Hook. f.
  48. BCN5797 16-Oxoprometaphanine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania japonica
  49. BCN4195 (16R)-Dihydrositsirikine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  50. BCN4000 (16R)-E-Isositsirikine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  51. BCN3492 16R-sitsirikine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  52. BCN2093 17-Methylparsonsianidine
  53. BCN3518 18-Beta-hydroxy-3-epi-alpha-yohimbine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  54. BCN5260 19,20-(E)-Vallesamine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Alstonia scholaris
  55. BCN3976 19(S)-Hydroxyconopharyngine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Voacanga africana
  56. BCN4324 1H-Indole-3-carboxylic acid This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Carpesium abrotanoides
  57. BCN1575 2-(4-Hydroxy-2-oxoindolin-3-yl)acetonitrile This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isatis indigotica
  58. BCN1420 2-(Acetylamino)-3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinnamomum cassia Presl
  59. BCN1529 2-(1H-Indole-3-carboxamido)benzoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isatis idigotica
  60. BCN3550 2,3,9,10-Tetrahydroxyberberine This product is isolated and purified from the rhizomes of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  61. BCN1545 2'',3''-Di-O-acetyl-5''-deoxy-5-fuluro-D-cytidine
  62. BCN1896 2,3-Dihydrobellendine
  63. BCN4893 2,4,6,6-Tetramethyl-3(6H)-pyridinone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sophora viciifolia.
  64. BCN1875 2,6-Tropanediol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana L.
  65. BCN5629 2,7-Dihydrohomoerysotrine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cephalotaxus fortunei
  66. BCN1374 2,7-Dihydroxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Scoparia dulcis
  67. BCN1743 (2-Acetoxyethyl)trimethylammonium This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Capsella bursa-pastoris
  68. BCN1613 (2-Amino-1-hydroxyethyl)phosphonic acid This product is isolated and purified from the Acanthamoeba castellanii
  69. BCN1779 2-Amino-1-phenylethanol This product is isolated and purified from the Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa
  70. BCN1542 2-Amino-2-[2-(4-octylphenyl)ethyl]-1,3-propandiol
  71. BCN1746 2'-Aminoacetophenone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Castanopsis cuspidata
  72. BCN1756 2-Aminoethanol
  73. BCN1872 2-Benzoyloxy-3-hydroxynortropane
  74. BCN1794 2-Cyclohexylethylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Acacia rigidula
  75. BCN1798 2-(Dimethylamino)ethanol This product is isolated and purified from the Neurospora crassa
  76. BCN1774 2-(Dimethylaminomethyl)-2-propanol This product is isolated and purified from the Blattella germanica
  77. BCN1803 2-Hydroxybenzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Reseda odorata
  78. BCN1758 2-Methylaminoethanol This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Lens culinaris
  79. BCN1747 2-(N,N-Dimethylamino)acetophenone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Castanopsis cuspidata
  80. BCN1765 (2S,3R,E)-2-Amino-4-heptadecene-1,3-diol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Conyza canadensis
  81. BCN1478 (2S,3R,E)-2-Amino-4-tetradecene-1,3-diol This product is isolated and purified from the Musca domestica
  82. BCN1775 2S-Amino-3R-octadecanol This product is isolated and purified from the Spisula polynyma
  83. BCN1440 3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-1-(pyrrol-1-yl)propan-1-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum
  84. BCN1295 3,3'-[Iminobis(methylene)]bis-2(3H)furanone This product is isolated and purified from the Garnieria spathulaefolia
  85. BCN2392 3',4'-Anhydrovinblastine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G. Don
  86. BCN1299 3,4-Dihydro-6,7-(methylenedioxy)-2(1H)-quinolinone This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  87. BCN1785 3,4-Dimethoxybenzenepropanamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper arboricola
  88. BCN1582 3,5-Dibromo-4-[3-(dimethylamino)propoxy]cinnamic acid This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudoceratina crassa
  89. BCN1877 3,6-Ditigloyloxynortropane
  90. BCN1933 3-Acetoxytropane This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana L.
  91. BCN2260 3-Bromo-N-phenylcarbazole
  92. BCN1924 3-Butyryloxytropane This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana L.
  93. BCN1791 3-(Carboxymethylamino)propanoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Phaseolus radiatus var. typicus
  94. BCN3992 3-Chloro-4-hydroxypiperidin-2-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum
  95. BCN4021 3'-Demethoxypiplartine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum L.
  96. BCN2797 3-Deoxyaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  97. BCN1397 3-(Dimethylsulfonio)-N,N,N-trimethylpropanaminium(2+) This product is isolated and purified from the Marmarostoma argyrostoma
  98. BCN5446 3-Epiwilsonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cephalotaxus sinensis
  99. BCN6086 3-Furfuryl 2-pyrrolecarboxylate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Pseudostellaria heterophylla
  100. BCN3905 3-Hydroxy-2-phenyl-propanamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura stramonium Linn.
  101. BCN4069 3-Hydroxy-3-acetonyloxindole This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Marsdenia tinctoria
  102. BCN1804 3-Hydroxybenzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Reseda media
  103. BCN1170 3'-Hydroxyrocaglamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata Lour
  104. BCN4566 3-Hydroxysarpagine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia serpentina
  105. BCN1171 3'-Methoxyrocaglamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata Lour
  106. BCN1810 3-Methyl-1-butylamine This product is isolated and purified from the Boletus edulis
  107. BCN2261 3-Methyl-4-nitrobenzoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Styrax tonkinensis
  108. BCN4666 3-Methyl-9H-carbazol-2-ol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena dunniana
  109. BCN4005 3-Phenyl-1-(pyrrol-1-yl)propan-1-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum
  110. BCN1370 3alpha,6beta-Ditigloyloxytropan-7beta-ol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura metel
  111. BCN3651 3Beta-Isodihydrocadambine 4-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  112. BCN4968 4-(Dimethylamino)cinnamaldehyde This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinnamomum cassia Presl.
  113. BCN5031 4-(Dimethylamino)cinnamic acid This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinnamomum cassia Presl
  114. BCN1143 4,5-Dimethoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  115. BCN3107 4,9-Dimethoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  116. BCN1772 4-Amino-4-methyl-2-pentanone
  117. BCN1805 4-Hydroxybenzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Reseda media
  118. BCN4386 4-Hydroxycephalotaxine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cephalotaxus fortunei
  119. BCN1401 4-Methoxy-1-methoxycarbonyl-beta-carboline This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  120. BCN4824 4-Methoxy-1-methylquinolin-2-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Zanthoxylum nitidum
  121. BCN5473 4,R-ajmalicine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  122. BCN1479 5-[(2R)-2-Aminopropyl]-1-[3-(benzoyloxy)propyl]-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-7-carbonitrile (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate
  123. BCN1438 5-[(2R)-2-Aminopropyl]-2,3-dihydro-1-[3-(phenylmethoxy)propyl]-1H-indole-7-carbonitrile
  124. BCN4013 5,6-Dihydropyridin-2(1H)-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum
  125. BCN1544 5'-Deoxy-5-fluoro-N-[(pentyloxy)carbonyl]cytidine 2',3'-diacetate
  126. BCN4155 5-Hydroxy-2-pyrrolidinone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Buddleja asiatica
  127. BCN1142 5-Hydroxy-4-methoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  128. BCN1232 5-Hydroxytryptophan This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia
  129. BCN3326 5-Methoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  130. BCN4416 5-Methoxystrictamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  131. BCN5108 5'-S-Methyl-5'-thioadenosine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Ephedra distachya
  132. BCN6134 6-Acetonyl-N-methyl-dihydrodecarine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  133. BCN5076 6-Acetonyldihydrochelerythrine This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Toddalia aculeata
  134. BCN5429 8-Acetonyldihydrosanguinarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  135. BCN1867 6-Angeloyloxyditropan-3-yl itaconate
  136. BCN1915 6-beta-Hydroxyhyoscyamine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Anisodus tanguticus
  137. BCN1998 7-Acetylintermedine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Echium pininana
  138. BCN2000 7-Acetyllycopsamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eupatorium maculatum
  139. BCN2028 7-Acetylscorpioidine
  140. BCN2036 7-Angeloylretronecine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Arnebia euchroma
  141. BCN2479 7-Ethyl-10-Hydroxycamptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  142. BCN2480 7-Ethylcamptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  143. BCN1492 7-Hydroxy-beta-carboline-1-propionic acid This product is isolated and purified from the rhizome of Eurycoma longifolia Jack
  144. BCN2659 7-Hydroxyaristolochic acid A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  145. BCN5085 7-Isopentenyloxy-gamma-fagarine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia lepta
  146. BCN2995 7-Methoxy-beta-carboline-1-propionic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eurycoma longifolia
  147. BCN3303 8-Acetonyldihydroavicine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Zanthoxylum tetraspermum
  148. BCN3304 8-Acetonyldihydronitidine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Zanthoxylum tetraspermum
  149. BCN1778 8-Amino-7-oxononanoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the Penicillium chrysogenum
  150. BCN1888 8-Azabicyclo-3.2.1-octan-3-ol This product is isolated and purified from the fruit of Morus alba
  151. BCN1361 8-Methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-3,6-diol, 9CI; (3RS,6RS)-form, 3-O-Ac
  152. BCN3135 8-Oxyberberine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Mahonia japonica
  153. BCN3136 8-Oxycoptisine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hypecoum erectum L.
  154. BCN3137 8-Oxypalmatine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  155. BCN3106 9,10-Dimethoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn
  156. BCN2453 9-Aminocamptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  157. BCN2037 9-Angeloylretronecine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Arnebia euchroma
  158. BCN3105 9-Hydroxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  159. BCN2303 10-Methoxycamptothecin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  160. BCN1219 9-Methoxycamptothecine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata Decne
  161. BCN2993 9-Methoxycanthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eurycoma longifolia
  162. BCN2994 9-Methoxycanthin-6-one-N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  163. BCN2259 9-Phenylcarbazole
  164. BCN1316 (9Z,12Z)-N-(3-Methoxybenzyl)octadeca-9,12-dienamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lepidium meyenii Walp
  165. BCN1518 (9Z,12Z)-N-Benzyloctadeca-9,12-dienamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lepidium meyenii Walp
  166. BCN1894 Alpha-Belladonnine
  167. BCN1733 AAL Toxin TA1 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  168. BCN1738 AAL Toxin TA2 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  169. BCN1734 AAL Toxin TB1 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  170. BCN1739 AAL Toxin TB2 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  171. BCN1736 AAL Toxin TC1 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  172. BCN1741 AAL Toxin TC2 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  173. BCN1735 AAL Toxin TD1 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  174. BCN1740 AAL Toxin TD2 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  175. BCN1737 AAL Toxin TE1 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  176. BCN1742 AAL Toxin TE2 This product is isolated and purified from the Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
  177. BCN2348 Abrine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Abrus precatorius
  178. BCN1954 Absouline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hugonia oreogena
  179. BCN1821 Aburatubolactam A This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces sp.
  180. BCN4114 Acetamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Viola yedonensis Makino
  181. BCN2407 Acetylaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  182. BCN2140 Acetylanonamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  183. BCN5098 Acetylcephalotaxine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cephalotaxus fortunei
  184. BCN1239 Acetylcorynoline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  185. BCN1981 Acetylheliosupine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum officinale L.
  186. BCN1914 Acetylknightinol
  187. BCN6260 Acoforestinine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  188. BCN2394 Aconine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  189. BCN1014 Aconitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  190. BCN1744 Actinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Polyporus sulphureus
  191. BCN2056 Adonifoline
  192. BCN3520 (+)-Affinisine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  193. BCN1822 Aflastatin A This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces sp.
  194. BCN4755 Agrocybenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia yunnanensis
  195. BCN3519 Ajmalan-17-one This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  196. BCN5577 Ajmalicine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Catharanthus roseus
  197. BCN3491 Ajmalidine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia verticillata
  198. BCN3420 Ajmalimine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  199. BCN3867 Ajmaline This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata
  200. BCN4607 Akuammigine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Picralima nitida
  201. BCN4772 Akuammiline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  202. BCN2054 Alexine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alexa leiopetala
  203. BCN1897 Alkaloid C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Tecoma stans
  204. BCN1898 Alkaloid KD1
  205. BCN3422 Venoterpine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata
  206. BCN4527 Allantoin This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Phytolacca acinosa
  207. BCN3487 Allo-Yohimbine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Corynante yohimbe
  208. BCN5097 Allocryptopine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Macleaya cordata
  209. BCN2368 Allomatrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sophora alopecuroides L.
  210. BCN2162 alpha-Chaconine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Solanum tuberosum
  211. BCN2701 alpha-Solanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  212. BCN4808 Alstolenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia venenata
  213. BCN4606 Alstonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  214. BCN4782 Alstoyunine E This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia yunnanensis
  215. BCN1823 Altamycin A This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces sp.
  216. BCN1950 Amabiline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum amabile
  217. BCN1824 Amycomycin This product is isolated and purified from the Amycolatopsis sp.
  218. BCN2148 Anabasamine
  219. BCN2057 Anacrotine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cassia fistula
  220. BCN2029 Anadoline N-oxide
  221. BCN3049 Anagyrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cytisus scoparius
  222. BCN3205 Angustifoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lupinus angustifolius
  223. BCN1868 Anisodine
  224. BCN1956 Anodendrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Anodendron affine Druce.
  225. BCN2139 Anonamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  226. BCN1825 Antibiotic 2158 This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  227. BCN1826 Antibiotic AB 4015B This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  228. BCN1827 Antibiotic AB 4063B This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  229. BCN1846 Antibiotic BU 2313A This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  230. BCN2149 Antibiotic PF 1018 This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  231. BCN1828 Antibiotic PF 1052 This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  232. BCN1850 Antibiotic ZG 1494alpha This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  233. BCN5058 Antidesmone This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Antidesma membranaceum
  234. BCN4003 Antirhine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  235. BCN1829 Apiodionene This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  236. BCN1869 Apoatropine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  237. BCN1870 Apohyoscine
  238. BCN1871 Aponorhyoscine
  239. BCN4802 Aporheine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Phellinus igniarius
  240. BCN4008 Apparicine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Voacanga africana
  241. BCN3987 Argentinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum
  242. BCN5576 Aricine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.
  243. BCN4854 Aristolactam AIa This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  244. BCN3924 Aristolactam AII This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  245. BCN4521 Aristolactam AIIIa This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  246. BCN5717 Aristolactam BII This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  247. BCN5718 Aristolactam BIII This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  248. BCN6005 Aristolactam FI This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Piper longum
  249. BCN2559 7-(2'-Deoxyadenosin-N6-yl)aristolactam I This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  250. BCN2658 Aristolochic acid C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  251. BCN2902 Aristolochic acid D This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  252. BCN2456 Aristololactam I This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc
  253. BCN5748 Asperglaucide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Walsura yunnanensis
  254. BCN2153 Aspertine C
  255. BCN2039 Asperumine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Symphytum asperum
  256. BCN1957 Assamicadine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Crotalaria assamica
  257. BCN2150 Astrocasine
  258. BCN2151 Astrophylline
  259. BCN3317 Atanine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  260. BCN5639 Atropine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  261. BCN2716 Atropine sulfate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  262. BCN1941 Atroscine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  263. BCN2058 Aucherine
  264. BCN5790 Aurantiamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Walsura yunnanensis
  265. BCN2013 Auriculine
  266. BCN2053 Australine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Castanospermum australe
  267. BCN6153 Axillaridine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Pachysandra axillaris
  268. BCN2060 Axillaridine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Pachysandra axillaris
  269. BCN2059 Axillarine
  270. BCN1893 Beta-Belladonnine
  271. BCN1874 Baogongteng A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Erycibe hainanensis Merr.
  272. BCN1873 Baogongteng C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Erycibe hainanensis Merr.
  273. BCN1892 Belladonnine
  274. BCN1895 Bellendine
  275. BCN5737 Benzamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Berberis pruinosa
  276. BCN5400 Benzoylaconine This product is isolated and purified from the branch root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  277. BCN1909 Benzoylecgonine
  278. BCN2821 Benzoylhypacoitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  279. BCN5398 Benzoylmesaconine This product is isolated and purified from the branch root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  280. BCN5399 Benzoylmesaconine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.
  281. BCN1928 Benzoyltropein
  282. BCN1789 Benzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Moringa oleifera
  283. BCN5543 Berbamine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC.
  284. BCN2400 Berbamine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC.
  285. BCN4911 Berberine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  286. BCN6319 Berberine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  287. BCN2574 Berberine hydrogen sulphate This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  288. BCN2651 Berberrubine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  289. BCN1311 Ethyl beta-carboline-1-propionate This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  290. BCN5733 beta-Yohimbine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Corynante yohimbe
  291. BCN6303 Betaine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Beta vulgaris
  292. BCN6304 Betaine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Beta vulgaris
  293. BCN1238 (+)-Bicuculline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  294. BCN2062 Bisline
  295. BCN1830 Blasticidin A This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces griseochromogenes
  296. BCN1958 Bohemamine This product is isolated and purified from the Actinosporangium sp.
  297. BCN5534 Boldine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Litsea glutinosa
  298. BCN1831 Bripiodionene This product is isolated and purified from the Sclerophoma pythiophila
  299. BCN2515 Broussonetine A This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Broussonetia papyrifera
  300. BCN2390 Brucine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica L.
  301. BCN4978 Strychnine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Strychnos nu r-vomica L.
  302. BCN2460 Brucine sulfate This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica L.
  303. BCN1899 Brugine
  304. BCN2065 Bulgarsenine
  305. BCN2374 Bullatine A This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum brachypodum Diels
  306. BCN2375 Bullatine B This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum brachypodum Diels
  307. BCN1210 Bulleyaconitine A This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum kusnenzoffii Reichb.
  308. BCN5447 Buxbodine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Buxus bodinieri Levl.
  309. BCN5448 Buxbodine D This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Buxus bodinieri Levl.
  310. BCN5715 Caboxine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  311. BCN5807 Caffeine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of This product is isolated and purified from theobroma cacao L.
  312. BCN2276 Calebassine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.
  313. BCN1959 Callimorphine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Heliotropium indicum L.
  314. BCN4098 Calyciphylline A This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  315. BCN1884 Calystegine A3 This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Morus alba L.
  316. BCN1887 Calystegine A5 This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Morus alba L.
  317. BCN1886 Calystegine A6 This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Morus alba L.
  318. BCN1885 Calystegine A7 This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Morus alba L.
  319. BCN1882 Calystegine B1 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  320. BCN1879 Calystegine B2 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  321. BCN1880 Calystegine B3 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  322. BCN1881 Calystegine B4 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  323. BCN1883 Calystegine B5 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  324. BCN1878 Calystegine C2 This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense Mill.
  325. BCN1866 Calystegine N1 This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Morus alba L.
  326. BCN1671 Calyxamine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Salsola tetrandra
  327. BCN5626 Canadine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbs of Corydalis yanhusuo
  328. BCN2547 Cannabisin D This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cannabis sativa L.
  329. BCN4696 Cannabisin F This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cannabis sativa L.
  330. BCN3896 Cannabisin H This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cannabis sativa L.
  331. BCN5546 Canthin-6-one This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima
  332. BCN2992 Canthin-6-one N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Eurycoma harmandiana
  333. BCN5805 Beta-Carboline-1-propanoic acid This product is isolated and purified from the wood of Picrasma quassioides
  334. BCN2154 Cassipourine
  335. BCN4763 Cassyfiline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cassytha filiformis
  336. BCN5802 Cassythicine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Litsea glutinosa
  337. BCN1255 Catharanthine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don
  338. BCN3859 Catharanthine Sulfate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don
  339. BCN2462 Catharanthine Tartrate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don
  340. BCN1784 Cathinone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catha edulis
  341. BCN3960 Caulilexin C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isatis idigotica
  342. BCN5481 Cephalocyclidin A This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. nana
  343. BCN2957 Cephalotaxine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook. f.
  344. BCN3950 Cepharadione A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper longum
  345. BCN5393 Cepharanthine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers
  346. BCN1900 Chalcostrobamine
  347. BCN5409 Chasmanine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum chrysotrichum W. T. Wang
  348. BCN2463 Chelidonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus L.
  349. BCN1792 Choline sulphate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Abrus cantoniensis
  350. BCN2020 Chysin A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chysis bractescens
  351. BCN2464 Cinchonine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinchona ledgeriana
  352. BCN1429 Cinnamoylcocaine
  353. BCN3901 cis-Moschamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura stramonium Linn.
  354. BCN3729 Cis-N-Feruloyltyramine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Tinospora tuberculata
  355. BCN4707 Clausine D This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena excavata
  356. BCN4687 Clausine I This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena excavata
  357. BCN4414 Clausine Z This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena excavata
  358. BCN4683 Clauszoline M This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena dunniana
  359. BCN1960 Clazamycin A
  360. BCN1961 Clazamycin B
  361. BCN2067 Clivorine
  362. BCN2687 Clopidogrel Related Compound A This product is isolated and purified from the Clopidogrel
  363. BCN2688 Clopidogrel Related Compound B This product is isolated and purified from the Clopidogrel
  364. BCN2689 Clopidogrel Related Compound C This product is isolated and purified from the Clopidogrel
  365. BCN1901 Cocaine
  366. BCN1929 Cochlearine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cochlearia officinalis
  367. BCN5585 Coclaurine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Coptis chinensis Franch
  368. BCN1652 Codaphniphylline This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  369. BCN5703 Coixol This product is isolated and purified from the seed of Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. meyuan (Romen.) Stapf
  370. BCN2722 Columbamine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Coptis chinensis Franch
  371. BCN3975 Conopharyngine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Voacanga africana
  372. BCN6237 Conophylline This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Tabernaemontana divaricata
  373. BCN1903 Consiculine
  374. BCN1905 Convolamine
  375. BCN1904 Convolvine
  376. BCN6320 Coptisine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus L.
  377. BCN6321 Coptisine chloride This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus L.
  378. BCN2286 Coptisine sulfate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Chelidonium majus
  379. BCN5389 Cordycepin This product is isolated and purified from the body of Cordyceps sienesis (Berkeley) Saccardo
  380. BCN2662 (+)-Corlumidine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis decumbens
  381. BCN1962 Cornucervine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Zanthoxylum simulans Hance
  382. BCN2044 Coromandaline
  383. BCN3762 Coronaridine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Ervatamia divaricata
  384. BCN2342 Corydaline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  385. BCN5217 Corydalmine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbs of Corydalis yanhusuo
  386. BCN3366 Corydamine This product is isolated and purified from the tuber of Corydalis incisa
  387. BCN2669 Corydine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis tuberosa DC.
  388. BCN3746 Corynantheine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Corynanthe pachyceras
  389. BCN1235 (+)-Corynoline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  390. BCN5002 Corynoxeine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla.
  391. BCN2364 Corynoxine This product is isolated and purified from the vine of Uncaria rhynchopylla
  392. BCN4111 Corypalmine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbs of Corydalis yanhusuo
  393. BCN2670 Corytuberine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Caltha palustris L.
  394. BCN4073 Crassanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Voacanga africana
  395. BCN2516 Crassicauline A This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum transsectum Diels
  396. BCN1793 Crassifoline methine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Corydalis claviculata
  397. BCN5117 Crebanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Stephania yunnanensis
  398. BCN5148 Crenatine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Quassia undulata
  399. BCN2068 Croalbidine
  400. BCN2069 Crobarbatine
  401. BCN2070 Crocandine
  402. BCN2072 Cronaburmine
  403. BCN2073 Cropodine
  404. BCN2074 Crosemperine
  405. BCN2075 Crotafoline
  406. BCN2076 Crotalarine
  407. BCN2077 Crotaleschenine
  408. BCN4983 Crotaline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria pallida Ait.
  409. BCN2078 Crotananine
  410. BCN1963 Crotanecine
  411. BCN2101 Crotastriatine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria mucronata
  412. BCN2142 Crotaverrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria verrucosa
  413. BCN6281 Crotonoside This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Croton tiglium L.
  414. BCN1786 Crucigasterin 225 This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma crucigaster
  415. BCN1776 Crucigasterin 275 This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma crucigaster
  416. BCN1777 Crucigasterin 277 This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma crucigaster
  417. BCN1964 Curassavine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Zanthoxylum simulans Hance
  418. BCN2673 (-)-Curine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Cyclea polypetala Dunn.
  419. BCN4028 Cyclo(D-Leu-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  420. BCN4011 Cyclo(D-Phe-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  421. BCN4015 Cyclo(D-Val-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  422. BCN4059 Cyclo(Gly-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Panax notoginseng (Burk.)F.H.Chen
  423. BCN4012 Cyclo(L-Ala-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  424. BCN3994 Cyclo(L-Leu-trans-4-hydroxy-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  425. BCN4029 Cyclo(L-Phe-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  426. BCN3989 Cyclo(L-Phe-trans-4-hydroxy-L-Pro) This product is isolated and purified from the Phellinus igniarius
  427. BCN5965 Cyclovirobuxine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia M. Cheng
  428. BCN1832 Cylindramide This product is isolated and purified from the Halichondria cylindrata
  429. BCN1951 Cynaustine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum amabile
  430. BCN2048 Cynaustraline
  431. BCN1970 Cynoglossamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum amabile
  432. BCN6270 Cytisine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Genista tinctoria L.
  433. BCN2334 D-Tetrahydropalmatine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  434. BCN1965 Danaidal
  435. BCN1966 Danaidone
  436. BCN4868 Daphmacrine This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  437. BCN5450 Daphmacropodine This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  438. BCN5113 Daphnezomine B This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Daphniphyllum humile
  439. BCN4418 Daphnilongeranin A This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  440. BCN4301 Daphnilongeranin C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum longeracemosum
  441. BCN4460 Daphnilongeridine This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  442. BCN4428 Daphniyunnine A This product is isolated and purified from the leaves and stems of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  443. BCN4429 Daphniyunnine B This product is isolated and purified from the leaves and stems of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.
  444. BCN1906 Darlingine
  445. BCN1930 Datumetine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura stramonium Linn
  446. BCN4977 Dauricine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Menispermum dauricum DC
  447. BCN2742 Daurinoline This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Euchresta japonica
  448. BCN2675 Daurisoline This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Menispermum dauricum
  449. BCN5721 Decarine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidum
  450. BCN2006 Decorticasine
  451. BCN1699 Dehydroaglaiastatin This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata Lour
  452. BCN2474 Dehydrocorydalin This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  453. BCN2549 Dehydrocorydaline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  454. BCN2745 Dehydrocorydaline nitrate This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  455. BCN4328 Dehydrocrebanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Stephania yunnanensis
  456. BCN4196 Dehydrocrenatidine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  457. BCN5147 Dehydrocrenatine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle
  458. BCN2974 Dehydroevodiamine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  459. BCN4054 Dehydroformouregine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Piper nigrum
  460. BCN2548 Dehydroglaucine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo
  461. BCN1833 Delaminomycin A This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces albulus
  462. BCN5405 Delsoline This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  463. BCN5404 Deltaline This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  464. BCN1796 Demanyl phosphate This product is isolated and purified from the Neurospora crassa
  465. BCN2624 Demethyl tetrandrine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania tetrandra S.Moore
  466. BCN2829 Demethyleneberberine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  467. BCN4721 Demethylmurrayanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Clausena dunniana
  468. BCN5923 Dendrobine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
  469. BCN5406 Denudatine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum chinense Paxt.
  470. BCN4145 Deoxycalyciphylline B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum calycinum
  471. BCN4146 Deoxyisocalyciphylline B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum calycinum
  472. BCN5697 Deoxyvasicinone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Galium aparine L.
  473. BCN2105 Desacetyldoronine
  474. BCN3296 Dicentrine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania delavayi Diels
  475. BCN2079 Dicrotaline
  476. BCN1273 Dictamnine This product is isolated and purified from the root barks of Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz.
  477. BCN1797 Diethanolamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio dunedin
  478. BCN1543 Diethyl 2-acetamido-2-(4-octylphenethyl)malonate
  479. BCN2573 Dihydroberberine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis decumbens (Thunb.) Pers.
  480. BCN1017 Dihydrocapsaicin This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Capsicum annuum L.
  481. BCN2273 Dihydrochelerythrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  482. BCN5841 Dihydrocinchonamine This product is isolated and purified from the aerial parts of Ophiorrhiza major Ridl.
  483. BCN3747 Dihydrocorynantheine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Corynanthe pachyceras
  484. BCN5775 Dihydroepistephamiersine 6-acetate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania japonica
  485. BCN3691 Dihydroevocarpine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  486. BCN2475 Dihydrolycorine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Lycoris radiata (L. Herit.) Herb
  487. BCN5646 Dihydrooxoepistephamiersine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania japonica
  488. BCN1713 Dihydroperaksine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  489. BCN3713 Dihydrosanguinarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  490. BCN1834 Discodermide This product is isolated and purified from the Discodermia dissoluta
  491. BCN2233 DL-Homocysteic acid
  492. BCN2066 Doronenine
  493. BCN2106 Doronine
  494. BCN1907 Ecgonine
  495. BCN1967 Echimidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Echium plantagineum L.
  496. BCN1968 Echinatine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eupatorium cannabinum L.
  497. BCN1969 Echinatine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eupatorium cannabinum L.
  498. BCN1157 Echinulin This product is isolated and purified from the Aspergillus chevalieri.
  499. BCN4245 Echitamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  500. BCN1972 Echiumine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Symphytum officinale L.
  501. BCN1994 Ehretinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Ehretia aspera
  502. BCN2478 Emetine Hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms
  503. BCN2080 Emiline
  504. BCN4774 Enniatin B This product is isolated and purified from the Pencillium urticae
  505. BCN4853 Enniatin B1 This product is isolated and purified from the Fusarium avenaceum
  506. BCN5387 Epiberberine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis decumbens (Thunb.) Pers.
  507. BCN5671 Epistephamiersine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania japonica
  508. BCN1835 Equisetin This product is isolated and purified from the Fusarium equiseti
  509. BCN2081 Erucifoline
  510. BCN5172 Ervamycine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melodinus khasianus
  511. BCN1876 Erycibelline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Erycibe hainanensis Merr.
  512. BCN5670 Erysotramidine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Aralia chinensis
  513. BCN5170 Erysotrine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Aralia chinensis
  514. BCN5642 Erythrartine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Erythrina variegata Linn.
  515. BCN5184 Erythristemine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Aralia chinensis
  516. BCN1836 Erythroskyrin This product is isolated and purified from the Penicillium islandicum
  517. BCN1799 Ethylamine
  518. BCN1976 Europine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum officinale L.
  519. BCN1977 Europine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum officinale L.
  520. BCN1092 Evodiamine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.
  521. BCN2630 Evodine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa
  522. BCN5664 Evoxine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Skimmia reevesiana Fort.
  523. BCN5956 Fangchinoline This product is isolated and purified from the vines of Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC.
  524. BCN3269 Febrifugine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Dichroa febrifuga
  525. BCN3297 Fenfangjine G This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania tetrandra
  526. BCN1910 Ferrugine
  527. BCN1911 Ferruginine
  528. BCN2104 Floricaline
  529. BCN2103 Floridanine
  530. BCN2108 Florosenine
  531. BCN5375 Folic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Mangifera indica L.
  532. BCN1837 Fuligorubin A This product is isolated and purified from the Topsentia roquensis
  533. BCN2082 Fulvine
  534. BCN2822 Fuziline This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  535. BCN5673 gamma-Fagarine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Zanthoxylum simulans Hance
  536. BCN5273 Gardneramine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Gardneria multiflora Makino
  537. BCN5804 Gelsemine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Gelsemium elegans (Gardn. et Champ.) Benth.
  538. BCN3929 Gelsempervine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  539. BCN5443 Gelsevirine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  540. BCN3619 Gentioflavin This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gentiana scabra Bunge.
  541. BCN2550 Glaucine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo
  542. BCN5677 Glycozolinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Micromelum sp.
  543. BCN3958 Goniodiol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Goniothalamus yunnanensis
  544. BCN4959 Gramine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Arundo donax L.
  545. BCN2155 Gramodendrine
  546. BCN2083 Grantaline
  547. BCN2084 Grantianine
  548. BCN4813 Griffithazanone A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Goniothalamus yunnanensis
  549. BCN4744 Griffithinam This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Goniothalamus griffithii
  550. BCN4571 Grossamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cannabis sativa L.
  551. BCN2962 Guanosine This product is isolated and purified from the peels of Punica granatum L.
  552. BCN2085 Gynuramine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gynura japonica
  553. BCN1788 Halaminol A This product is isolated and purified from the Haliclona n. sp.
  554. BCN1748 Halaminol B This product is isolated and purified from the Haliclona n. sp.
  555. BCN1787 Halaminol C This product is isolated and purified from the Haliclona n. sp.
  556. BCN3921 Haplopine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim
  557. BCN5889 Harmalidine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Peganum harmala
  558. BCN5218 Harmaline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Peganum harmala L.
  559. BCN5494 Harmine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Peganum harmala L.
  560. BCN2485 Harmine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Peganum harmala L.
  561. BCN1838 Harzianic acid This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Broussonetia papyrifera
  562. BCN2086 Hastacine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cacalia hastata L.
  563. BCN1953 Heleurine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Heliotropium indicum L.
  564. BCN2046 Heliocoromandaline
  565. BCN2049 Heliocurassavicine
  566. BCN2050 Heliocurassavinine
  567. BCN1980 Heliosupine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum officinale L.
  568. BCN1982 Heliotrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum amabile
  569. BCN1983 Heliotrine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cynoglossum amabile
  570. BCN2047 Heliovicine
  571. BCN2831 Higenamine HCl This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  572. BCN2756 Hirsuteine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla
  573. BCN2758 Hirsutine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla
  574. BCN2188 Histamine
  575. BCN4958 Homoharringtonine This product is isolated and purified from the branch of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.
  576. BCN1812 Homopahutoxin This product is isolated and purified from the Ostracion lentiginosus
  577. BCN1424 Hordenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Dendrolobium triangulare
  578. BCN4754 Humantenidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium sempervirens
  579. BCN4358 Humantenine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Gelsemium elegans
  580. BCN4850 Humantenirine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium sempervirens
  581. BCN4357 Humantenmine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Gelsemium elegans
  582. BCN2617 Hupehenine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
  583. BCN1059 Huperzine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lycopodium serratum
  584. BCN2489 Huperzine C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lycopodium serratum
  585. BCN6155 Hydroprotopine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Macleaya cordata
  586. BCN2491 Hydroxyevodiamine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.
  587. BCN2116 Hygrophylline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  588. BCN2846 Hyoscyamine sulfate hydrate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Anisodus tanguticus
  589. BCN5988 Hypaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx
  590. BCN2775 Hypaphorine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Erythrina variegata L.
  591. BCN3298 Hypecorinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hypecoum erectum L.
  592. BCN3406 Hyperectine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hypecoum erectum L.
  593. BCN4378 Ibogaine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Ervatamia hirta
  594. BCN6259 Indaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  595. BCN1839 Isodomoic acid G This product is isolated and purified from the Chondria armata
  596. BCN3270 Isofebrifugine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Dichroa febrifuga
  597. BCN3405 Isohyperectine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hypecoum erectum L.
  598. BCN6331 Isoliensinine This product is isolated and purified from the plantule of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
  599. BCN2063 Isoline
  600. BCN3175 Isomahanimbine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Murraya exotica
  601. BCN3177 Isomahanine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Murraya koenigii
  602. BCN2152 Isonicoteine
  603. BCN1890 Isoporoidine
  604. BCN5578 Isorauhimbine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  605. BCN1993 Isoretronecanol
  606. BCN4980 Isorhynchophyllic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla.
  607. BCN3466 Isorhyncophylline This product is isolated and purified from the vine of Uncaria rhynchopylla
  608. BCN5538 Isotetrandrine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania tetrandra S.Moore
  609. BCN4264 Isotetrandrine N-2'-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania tetrandra S.Moore
  610. BCN1985 Isotussilagine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Echinacea purpurea.
  611. BCN3549 Isovallesiachotamine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.
  612. BCN2087 Jacobine
  613. BCN2088 Jacoline
  614. BCN2089 Jaconine
  615. BCN1840 Janolusimide This product is isolated and purified from the Janolus cristatus
  616. BCN5319 Jatrorrhizine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  617. BCN4956 Jatrorrhizine Hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  618. BCN2530 Khasianine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  619. BCN1913 Knightinol
  620. BCN1912 Knightolamine
  621. BCN6190 Koumine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Gelsemium elegans
  622. BCN4807 Koumine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  623. BCN3835 Kukoamine A This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense
  624. BCN3836 Kukoamine B This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Lycium chinense
  625. BCN2011 Kumokirine
  626. BCN1806 Kuramerine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Liparis kurameri
  627. BCN3803 L-carnosine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Geranium wilfordii Maxim
  628. BCN6269 L-Nicotine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Nicotiana tabacum.
  629. BCN2571 L-Theanine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Camellia sinensis
  630. BCN1992 Laburnine
  631. BCN2504 Lannaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx
  632. BCN2001 Lasiocarpine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Heliotropium indicum
  633. BCN2002 Lasiocarpine N-oxide
  634. BCN1978 Latifoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hackelia floribunda
  635. BCN1979 Latifoline N-oxide
  636. BCN4278 Laurifoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lindera aggregata
  637. BCN2634 Laurolitsine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm
  638. BCN4929 Lauroscholtzine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang ex Z. Y. Su et C. Y. Wu
  639. BCN1809 Lavendustin B This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces griseolavendus
  640. BCN3742 Lemannine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Ammothamnus lehmannii
  641. BCN6286 Leonurine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet.
  642. BCN3730 Leptocarpinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
  643. BCN1486 Leptomerine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Haplophyllum leptomerum
  644. BCN4482 Leuconolam This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  645. BCN6337 Liensinine This product is isolated and purified from the plantule of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
  646. BCN6336 Liensinine diperchlorate This product is isolated and purified from the plantule of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
  647. BCN6335 Liensinine perchlorate This product is isolated and purified from the plantule of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
  648. BCN2141 Ligularidine
  649. BCN2090 Ligularine
  650. BCN2117 Ligularinine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Ligularia fischerisa
  651. BCN2091 Ligularizine
  652. BCN2043 Lindelofine
  653. BCN1842 alpha-Lipomycin This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces aureofaciens
  654. BCN5532 Liriodenine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg.
  655. BCN5120 Litseglutine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Litsea glutinosa
  656. BCN1917 Littorine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura sanguinea
  657. BCN2156 Lobelanidine
  658. BCN2157 Lobelin This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lobelia sessilifolia Lamb.
  659. BCN4595 Lochnericine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don
  660. BCN5667 Lochnerine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  661. BCN2003 Loline
  662. BCN4408 Longistylumphylline A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum macropodum
  663. BCN2008 Loroquine
  664. BCN5736 Lupanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cytisus scoparius
  665. BCN2506 Lycodoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.
  666. BCN1999 Lycopsamine
  667. BCN2507 Lycorenine This product is isolated and purified from the rhizomes of Lycoris radiata
  668. BCN2409 Lycorine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Lycoris radiata (L. Herit.) Herb
  669. BCN1220 Lycorine chloride This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Lycoris radiata (L. Herit.) Herb
  670. BCN1843 Lydicamycin This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces aureofaciens
  671. BCN1366 Macamide B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lepidium meyenii Walp
  672. BCN1987 Macrophylline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio nemorensis L.
  673. BCN2092 Madurensine
  674. BCN3839 Magnocurarine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Magnolia officinalis
  675. BCN4923 Magnoflorine This product is isolated and purified from the flower of Magnolia liliiflora Desr.
  676. BCN2405 Magnoflorine chloride This product is isolated and purified from the flower of Magnolia liliiflora Desr.
  677. BCN2911 Magnoflorine Iodide This product is isolated and purified from the flower of Magnolia liliiflora Desr.
  678. BCN3174 Mahanimbine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Murraya exotica
  679. BCN3176 Mahanine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Murraya koenigii
  680. BCN4317 Mallorepine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Mallotus repandus
  681. BCN1844 Malonomicin This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces rimosus
  682. BCN4913 Mangochinine This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Manglietia chingii
  683. BCN5123 Mayumbine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia vomitoria
  684. BCN5186 Meloscandonine This product is isolated and purified from the root barks of Melodinus yunnanensis
  685. BCN1918 Merresectine B
  686. BCN1782 Merucathine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catha edulis
  687. BCN1783 Merucathinone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catha edulis
  688. BCN5987 Mesaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  689. BCN3753 Mesembrenone This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lampranthus tenuifolius
  690. BCN3668 Mesembrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lampranthus tenuifolius
  691. BCN4529 Methyl 3-carbazolecarboxylate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Micromelum sp.
  692. BCN4487 Methyl 3-indolecarboxylate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Heracleum candicans
  693. BCN6223 Methyl chanofruticosinate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Kopsia officinalis
  694. BCN1348 Methyl demethoxycarbonylchanofruticosinate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Kopsia hainanensis
  695. BCN3489 Methyl reserpate This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  696. BCN1908 Methylecgonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Erythroxylum coca
  697. BCN1160 Methylisopelletierine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge
  698. BCN3407 Methylsynephrine Hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the young fruits Citrus aurantium L.
  699. BCN2097 Monocrotaline N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria pallida Ait.
  700. BCN3900 Moschamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura stramonium Linn.
  701. BCN1780 Muricatide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Oxytropis muricata
  702. BCN3178 Murrayanol This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Murraya koenigii
  703. BCN1973 Myoscorpine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon
  704. BCN1483 N-(1-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-(4-octylphenyl)butan-2-yl)acetamide
  705. BCN1409 N-(2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)acetamide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Scoparia dulcis
  706. BCN2007 N-Acetyl-5,6-dehydrololine
  707. BCN2005 N-Acetylnorloline
  708. BCN1622 N-Benzoyl-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylamine This product is isolated and purified from the Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa
  709. BCN1317 N-Benzyloleamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lepidium meyenii Walp
  710. BCN4104 N-Demethylechitamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  711. BCN2004 N-Demethylloine
  712. BCN4604 N-Feruloyloctopamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura arborea
  713. BCN4856 N-Methoxyanhydrovobasinediol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  714. BCN5470 (+)-N-Methylallosedridine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sedum sarmentosum
  715. BCN2147 N'-Methylammodendrine
  716. BCN1790 N-Methylbenzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Moringa oleifera
  717. BCN4412 N-Methylcalycinine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania epigaea
  718. BCN3300 N-Methylcorydaldine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Thalictrum aquilegifolium
  719. BCN1795 N-Methylcyclohexaneethaneamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Acacia rigidula
  720. BCN1266 N-Methylcytisine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Sophora flavescens
  721. BCN3641 N-Methylflindersine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melicope ptelefolia
  722. BCN6218 N-Methyllindcarpine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Lindera pipericarpa
  723. BCN3971 N-Methylnuciferine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Piper nigrum
  724. BCN5530 N-Methylsarpagine methosalt This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Alstonia yunnanensis Diels
  725. BCN5469 (-)-N-Methylsedridine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sedum sarmentosum
  726. BCN1560 N,N,N-Trimethyl-2-aminoethylphosphonate This product is isolated and purified from the Anthopleura xanthogrammica
  727. BCN4048 N-Nornuciferine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Piper nigrum
  728. BCN4603 N-p-Coumaroyloctopamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura arborea
  729. BCN6038 N1-Methoxymethyl picrinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  730. BCN3368 N9-Methylharman This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Peganum harmala L.
  731. BCN2536 Napellonine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitumso ngoricum Popov
  732. BCN3899 Nb-Feruloyltryptamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Datura stramonium Linn.
  733. BCN6338 Neferine This product is isolated and purified from the plantule of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
  734. BCN2099 Nemorensine
  735. BCN1949 neo-Truxilline
  736. BCN5638 Neoechinulin A This product is isolated and purified from the Aspergillus chevalieri.
  737. BCN2137 Neoligularidine
  738. BCN4817 Neolitsine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Laurus nobilis
  739. BCN2114 Neopetasitenine
  740. BCN2026 Neosarracine
  741. BCN2024 Neosarranicine
  742. BCN2138 Neosenkirkine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  743. BCN5690 Neosophoramine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sophora alopecuroidos L.
  744. BCN5541 Neostenine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona sessilifolia
  745. BCN2052 Neotriangularine
  746. BCN6239 Neotuberostemonine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona tuberosa
  747. BCN4505 Neotuberostemonone This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona japonica
  748. BCN2012 Nervosine
  749. BCN1025 Nicotinamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Nicotiana tabacum L.
  750. BCN2100 Nilgirine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria mucronata
  751. BCN4957 Nitidine chloride This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.
  752. BCN1745 Nitrosostromelin This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces sp.
  753. BCN1845 Nocamycin I This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces lysosuperficus
  754. BCN5784 Norcepharadione B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Houttuynia cordata Thunb
  755. BCN3643 Norchelerythrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  756. BCN2387 Nordihydrocapsaicin This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Capsicum annuum L.
  757. BCN2206 Norepinephrine
  758. BCN4811 Norfluorocurarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia yunnanensis
  759. BCN6285 Norisoboldine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Lindera aggregata
  760. BCN3367 Norjuziphine This product is isolated and purified from the tuber of Corydalis incisa
  761. BCN2646 Noroxyhydrastinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Thalictrum foliolosum DC.
  762. BCN3714 Norsanguinarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  763. BCN3983 Norscopolamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropanthe sinensis
  764. BCN1847 Nortenuazonic acid
  765. BCN4240 Nortetraphyllicine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia verticillata
  766. BCN1889 Nortropacocaine
  767. BCN1891 Nortropinyl cinnamate This product is isolated and purified from the branches of Pellacalyx axillaris
  768. BCN1223 Nuciferine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera
  769. BCN1757 O-Acetylethanolamine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Lens culinaris
  770. BCN3916 O-Methylpallidine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Guatteria multivenia
  771. BCN4103 Oblongine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania tetrandra
  772. BCN1766 Obscuraminol B This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma obscurum
  773. BCN1767 Obscuraminol C This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma obscurum
  774. BCN1770 Obscuraminol D This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma obscurum
  775. BCN1769 Obscuraminol E This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma obscurum
  776. BCN1768 Obscuraminol F This product is isolated and purified from the Pseudodistoma obscurum
  777. BCN3936 Obtucarbamate A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Dracaena sanderiana
  778. BCN3937 Obtucarbamate B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Dracaena sanderiana
  779. BCN2275 Octahydroisoindole This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  780. BCN4283 Odorine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata
  781. BCN4284 Odorinol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata
  782. BCN2538 Olaquindox This product is isolated and purified from the Cyprinus carpio var. Jian
  783. BCN1848 Oleficin
  784. BCN2102 Onetine
  785. BCN1849 Oteromycin
  786. BCN2061 Othonnine
  787. BCN2009 Otonecine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Aster smithianus
  788. BCN2107 Otosenine
  789. BCN4050 Oxindole This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isatis indigotica
  790. BCN5645 Oxoepistephamiersine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania japonica
  791. BCN2650 Oxoglaucine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo
  792. BCN3299 Oxohydrastinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Thalictrum aquilegifolium
  793. BCN4864 Oxychelerythrine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  794. BCN2882 Oxyepiberberine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  795. BCN1103 Oxymatrine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Sophora flavescens Ait
  796. BCN2435 Oxysophoridine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Sophora alopecuroidos L.
  797. BCN1802 p-3-Methylamino propyl phenol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Croton humilis
  798. BCN6152 Pachyaximine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Pachysandra axillaris
  799. BCN1811 Pahutoxin This product is isolated and purified from the Ostracion lentiginosus
  800. BCN5285 Palmatine This product is isolated and purified from the rhizomes of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  801. BCN5914 Palmatine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the rhizomes of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  802. BCN2647 Palmatrubine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Tinospora sagittata
  803. BCN2010 Paludosine
  804. BCN1813 Panamycin 607 This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces alboniger
  805. BCN5213 Pandamarilactonine A This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Pandanus amaryllifolius
  806. BCN5214 Pandamarilactonine B This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Pandanus amaryllifolius
  807. BCN4522 Paniculidine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Murraya exotica L.
  808. BCN4523 Paniculidine B This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Murraya exotica L.
  809. BCN4524 Paniculidine C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Murraya exotica L.
  810. BCN3728 Parkeol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Portulaca oleracea L.
  811. BCN2109 Parsonsianidine
  812. BCN2110 Parsonsianine
  813. BCN2111 Parsonsine
  814. BCN5885 Paxiphylline D This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum paxianum
  815. BCN5886 Paxiphylline E This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Daphniphyllum paxianum
  816. BCN4902 Pedatisectine F This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Pinellia pedatisecta Schott
  817. BCN1094 Peimine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
  818. BCN1095 Peiminine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
  819. BCN4992 Peimisine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbs of Fritillaria cirrhosa
  820. BCN4077 Pelirine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata
  821. BCN4043 Pellitorine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Anacyclus pyrethrum
  822. BCN5491 Perakine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia verticillata
  823. BCN1694 Peraksine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  824. BCN3974 Pericyclivine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  825. BCN5839 Periglaucine A This product is isolated and purified from the aerial parts of Pericampylus glaucus
  826. BCN2583 Perivine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus G. Don
  827. BCN1988 Petasinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Petasites japonicus
  828. BCN1989 Petasinoside This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Petasites japonicus
  829. BCN2113 Petasitenine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Petasites japonicus
  830. BCN2016 Phalaenopsine Is
  831. BCN2015 Phalaenopsine La
  832. BCN2014 Phalaenopsine T
  833. BCN5933 Phellodendrine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  834. BCN5934 Phellodendrine chloride This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Phellodendron amurense Rupr.
  835. BCN5761 Phenylalanine betaine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Achyranthes bidentata Blume.
  836. BCN1851 Physarorubinic acid A
  837. BCN1402 Physoperuvine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana Linne
  838. BCN4878 Picralinal This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia scholaris
  839. BCN4762 Picraline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  840. BCN4369 Picrasidine A This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Picrasma quassioides.
  841. BCN5819 Picrasidine I This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Picrasma quassioides.
  842. BCN5820 Picrasidine J This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Picrasma quassioides.
  843. BCN3182 Picrasidine Q This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Picrasma quassioides.
  844. BCN6006 Picrasidine S This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Picrasma quassioides
  845. BCN6017 Picrasidine T This product is isolated and purified from the bark of Picrasma quassioides
  846. BCN5518 Picrinine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia verticillata
  847. BCN1018 Piperine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Piper nigrum L.
  848. BCN4818 Piperolactam C This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Piper longum L.
  849. BCN2115 Platyphylline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  850. BCN1852 Polycephalin C
  851. BCN1853 Pramanicin
  852. BCN1854 Preapiodionene
  853. BCN2017 Procerine
  854. BCN4244 Prometaphanine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania japonica
  855. BCN1814 Propylamine
  856. BCN4736 Prostephanaberrine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania japonica
  857. BCN6165 Protopine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang
  858. BCN5345 Protopine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Galium aparine L.
  859. BCN5346 Protoveratrine A This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Veratrum nigrum L.
  860. BCN4812 Pseudoakuammigine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Alstonia yunnanensis
  861. BCN1902 Pseudococaine
  862. BCN5371 Pseudolycorine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Lycoris radiata (L. Herit.) Herb
  863. BCN4866 Pseudopalmatine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Tinospora sinensis.
  864. BCN1932 Pseudotropine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Atropa belladonna
  865. BCN5435 Pterolactam This product is isolated and purified from the rhizoma of Cibotium barometz (L.) J.Sm.
  866. BCN2118 Pterophorine
  867. BCN2018 Punctanecine
  868. BCN2040 Pyrrolam A
  869. BCN1986 Pyrrolam B This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces olivaceus
  870. BCN2341 Quinine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Moens ex Trim.
  871. BCN2262 Quinine HCl This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Moens ex Trim.
  872. BCN3513 RA-V This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rubia cordifolia
  873. BCN3512 RA VII This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rubia cordifolia
  874. BCN3514 RA-XI This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rubia cordifolia
  875. BCN2023 Racemodine
  876. BCN2183 Ramelteon
  877. BCN3870 Ranaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum sinomontanum
  878. BCN4653 Raucaffricine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  879. BCN3421 Rauvomitin This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  880. BCN4833 Rauvoyunine C This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia yunnanensis
  881. BCN3493 Reserpin N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  882. BCN4960 Reserpine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.
  883. BCN3490 Reserpinine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauwolfia vomitoria
  884. BCN5583 Reticuline This product is isolated and purified from the root of Thalictrum foliolosum
  885. BCN2034 Retronecine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria ferruginea
  886. BCN2035 Retronecine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Arnebia euchroma
  887. BCN2119 Retrorsine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  888. BCN2122 Retusamine
  889. BCN2123 Retusine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria pallida Ait.
  890. BCN1855 Reutericyclin This product is isolated and purified from the Lactobacillus reuteri
  891. BCN4979 Rhynchophylline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla.
  892. BCN2133 Riddelline
  893. BCN1971 Rinderine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Eupatorium fortunei Turcz.
  894. BCN2038 Rivularine
  895. BCN4387 Rocaglamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Aglaia odorata Lour
  896. BCN2124 Rosmarinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio pleistocephalus
  897. BCN5983 Rotundine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore
  898. BCN4385 Rutaecarpine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.
  899. BCN2229 S-(5'-Adenosyl)-L-methionine chloride
  900. BCN2231 S-Adenosyl-L-Methtonine
  901. BCN2232 S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine iodide salt
  902. BCN2230 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine tosylate
  903. BCN3815 (S)-N-Glycidylphthalimide This product is isolated and purified from the heartwoods of Pseudolarix amabilis
  904. BCN1709 Sambutoxin This product is isolated and purified from the rotted potato tubers
  905. BCN5102 Sanguinarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  906. BCN5575 Sarpagine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Alstonia yunnanensis Diels
  907. BCN2021 Sarracine
  908. BCN2022 Sarracine N-oxide
  909. BCN2025 Sarranicine
  910. BCN5099 Scandine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Melodinus khasianus
  911. BCN2126 Sceleratine
  912. BCN1936 Schizanthine A
  913. BCN1937 Schizanthine E
  914. BCN1938 Schizanthine G
  915. BCN1939 Schizanthine M
  916. BCN4539 Scholaricine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Bothrocaryum controversum
  917. BCN5006 Scopolamine butylbromide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  918. BCN5045 Scopolamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  919. BCN1199 Scopolamine hydrobromide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  920. BCN1942 Scopoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna
  921. BCN2027 Scorpioidine
  922. BCN4250 Sempervirine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  923. BCN2127 Senaetnine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  924. BCN2030 Senampeline A
  925. BCN2031 Senampeline B
  926. BCN2032 Senampeline C
  927. BCN2033 Senampeline D
  928. BCN2128 Seneciocannabine
  929. BCN2129 Senecionine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  930. BCN2130 Senecionine N-oxide
  931. BCN5563 Seneciphylline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  932. BCN5439 Seneciphylline N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  933. BCN2132 Seneciphyllinine
  934. BCN2135 Senecivernine
  935. BCN2136 Senkirkine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Farfugium japonicum
  936. BCN1162 Serpentine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia yunnanensis
  937. BCN4616 Serpentinic acid This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  938. BCN5325 Serpentinine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baill.
  939. BCN4473 Sessilifoline A This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona japonica
  940. BCN1815 Sinapine This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Raphanus sativus L.
  941. BCN5461 Sinoacutine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stephania epigaea Lo
  942. BCN6265 Sinomenine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Sinomenium acutum Rehd. Et Wils.
  943. BCN6318 Sinomenine HCl This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Sinomenium acutum Rehd. Et Wils.
  944. BCN1201 Sipeimine This product is isolated and purified from the bulbus of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
  945. BCN3468 Skimmianin This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Skimmia japonica
  946. BCN2160 Sodium barbital
  947. BCN2305 Solamargine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  948. BCN2693 Beta-Solamarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  949. BCN3806 Solamarine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  950. BCN2302 Solasonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  951. BCN2694 Solasurine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Solanum nigrum L.
  952. BCN5156 Oxysophocarpine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott.
  953. BCN5971 Sophocarpine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Sophora alopecuroidos L.
  954. BCN3743 (+)-Sophoranol This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sophora flavescens
  955. BCN4249 Sophoridine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Sophora flavescens Ait.
  956. BCN2326 (-)-Sparteine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Parochetus communis
  957. BCN1267 Sparteine sulfate pentahydrate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Parochetus communis
  958. BCN2134 Spartioidine
  959. BCN2098 Spectabiline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria spectabilis Roth
  960. BCN4068 Spegatrine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata
  961. BCN2095 Spiracine
  962. BCN4915 Spiradine F This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Spiraea salicifolia L.
  963. BCN2112 Spiraline
  964. BCN6023 Spiramine A This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Spiraea japonica
  965. BCN2094 Spiranine
  966. BCN5332 Stachydrine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the flower of Chrysanthemum parthenium
  967. BCN5643 Stephanine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania japonica
  968. BCN5253 Stephavanine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Stephania japonica
  969. BCN1858 Streptolydigin This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces lydicus
  970. BCN5080 Strictosamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Nauclea latifolia
  971. BCN2641 Strictosidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  972. BCN1943 Strobamine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Anthotroche myoporoides
  973. BCN3715 Stylopine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Chelidonium majus
  974. BCN1952 Supinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Heliotropium indicum
  975. BCN2143 Swazine
  976. BCN1974 Symlandine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens
  977. BCN1975 Symphytine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Symphytum peregrinum Leded.
  978. BCN2144 Syneilesine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Farfugium japonicum
  979. BCN6308 Synephrine This product is isolated and purified from the young fruits Citrus aurantium L.
  980. BCN5365 Syrosingopine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia yunnanensis Tsiang
  981. BCN2601 Szechenyine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum brachypodum Diels
  982. BCN4047 Taberpsychine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Gelsemium elegans
  983. BCN5496 Tabersonine This product is isolated and purified from the root bark of Voacanga africana Stapf
  984. BCN5403 Talatisamine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  985. BCN1859 Tenuazonic acid
  986. BCN4189 Tetrahydroalstonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miq.) Miq. ex Havil.
  987. BCN2648 Tetrahydroberberine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.
  988. BCN2558 Tetrahydrocoptisine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo
  989. BCN2649 Tetrahydroepiberberine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Sinomenium acutum
  990. BCN6310 Tetrahydropalmatine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang ex Z. Y. Su et C. Y. Wu
  991. BCN1816 Tetramethylammonium
  992. BCN5955 Tetrandrine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore
  993. BCN1035 Tetrodotoxin This product is isolated and purified from the Tetraodontidae
  994. BCN3301 Thalifoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Thalictrum aquilegifolium
  995. BCN1227 Theobromine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of This product is isolated and purified from theobroma cacao L.
  996. BCN1258 Theophylline This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Black tea.
  997. BCN2603 Thermopsine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of This product is isolated and purified from thermopsis turkestanica
  998. BCN1990 Thesinine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Lithospermum erythrorhizon
  999. BCN5622 Thymidine This product is isolated and purified from the Cordyceps sinensis
  1000. BCN1945 Tigloidine
  1001. BCN1944 Tigloyltropeine
  1002. BCN1860 Tirandalydigin
  1003. BCN1861 Tirandamycin A
  1004. BCN1862 Tirandamycin B This product is isolated and purified from the Streptomyces spectabilis
  1005. BCN2773 Tomatidine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
  1006. BCN2861 Tomatidine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
  1007. BCN2966 Tomatine This product is isolated and purified from the fruits of Solanum lycopersicum
  1008. BCN4117 Tombozine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia yunnanensis
  1009. BCN1991 Trachelanthamidine
  1010. BCN2041 Trachelanthamine
  1011. BCN2042 Trachelanthine
  1012. BCN4368 Triacetonamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Salsola tetrandra
  1013. BCN5264 Triacetonamine hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Salsola tetrandra
  1014. BCN2051 Triangularine
  1015. BCN1817 Tribenzylamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Humulus lupulus
  1016. BCN2145 Trichodesmine
  1017. BCN1781 Trichophydine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Oxytropis muricata
  1018. BCN1818 Trichosanatine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Trichosanthes rosthornii
  1019. BCN2371 Trigonelline This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
  1020. BCN1050 Trigonelline hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cannabis sativa
  1021. BCN1398 Trimethyl[3-(methylthio)propyl]ammonium(1+) This product is isolated and purified from the Marmarostoma argyrostoma
  1022. BCN1819 Trimethylamine oxide
  1023. BCN1820 Trimethylvinylammonium(1+)
  1024. BCN1934 Tropacocaine
  1025. BCN1325 Tropanyl 3-hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana L.
  1026. BCN1927 Tropanyl phenylacetate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis peruviana L.
  1027. BCN1931 Tropanyl trans-cinnamate This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Anthotroche myoporoides
  1028. BCN1922 Tropine acetate
  1029. BCN1921 Tropine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Atropa belladonna
  1030. BCN1923 Tropine isobutyrate This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  1031. BCN1925 Tropine nonanoate
  1032. BCN1935 Tropinone This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Atropa belladonna
  1033. BCN1947 a-Truxilline
  1034. BCN1948 γ-Truxilline
  1035. BCN2615 Tryptophan This product is isolated and purified from the seeds of Glycine max
  1036. BCN5681 Tryptophol This product is isolated and purified from the Zygosaccharomyces priorianus.
  1037. BCN3223 Tuberostemonin This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona japonica
  1038. BCN4986 Tuberstemonine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Stemona japonica
  1039. BCN4016 Tubotaiwine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Ervatamia divaricata
  1040. BCN1984 Tussilagine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Echinacea purpurea.
  1041. BCN2055 Uplandicine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Echium rauwolfii
  1042. BCN2121 Usaramine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Crotalaria mucronata
  1043. BCN1920 Valeroidine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  1044. BCN6144 Vallesamine N-oxide This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Alstonia scholaris
  1045. BCN3548 Vallesiachotamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla
  1046. BCN1926 Valtropine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Atropa belladonna L.
  1047. BCN5615 Vandrikidine This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Melodinus khasianus
  1048. BCN4140 Vasicine This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Adhatoda vasica
  1049. BCN5812 Vasicinol This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Adhatoda vasica Nees
  1050. BCN4394 Vasicinolone This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Adhatoda vasica
  1051. BCN5589 Vasicinone This product is isolated and purified from the herb of Peganum harmala L.
  1052. BCN4758 Vellosimine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata
  1053. BCN1863 Vermisporin
  1054. BCN2376 Vinblastine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G. Don
  1055. BCN2606 Vincamine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  1056. BCN5081 Vincosamide This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Vincoside lactam
  1057. BCN5411 Vincristine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hedera nepalensis
  1058. BCN2607 Vindesine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  1059. BCN4933 Vindoline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  1060. BCN5668 Vindorosine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  1061. BCN5286 Vineridine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Vinca erecta
  1062. BCN2608 Vinleurosine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
  1063. BCN2543 Vinorelbine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Catharanthus roseus
  1064. BCN4649 Vinorine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  1065. BCN2045 Viridiflorine
  1066. BCN3224 Voacangine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Ervatamia heyneana
  1067. BCN5445 Wilsonine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Cephalotaxus sinensis
  1068. BCN2557 Worenine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Coptis chinensis Franch.
  1069. BCN1864 Xanthobaccin A This product is isolated and purified from the Xanthomonas sp.
  1070. BCN4246 Xanthoplanine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Zanthoxylum armatum DC.
  1071. BCN2064 Yamataimine
  1072. BCN2293 Yohimbine This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Corynante yohimbe
  1073. BCN6268 Yohimbine Hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the peel of Corynante Yohimbe
  1074. BCN6261 Yunaconitine This product is isolated and purified from the root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
  1075. BCN5857 Yunnandaphninine G This product is isolated and purified from the stems of Daphniphyllum yunnanense
  1076. BCN6020 (Z)-Akuammidine This product is isolated and purified from the roots of Gelsemium elegans
  1077. BCN1771 Zooxanthellabetaine A This product is isolated and purified from the Symbiodinium sp.
  1078. BCN1865 Zopfiellamide A
  1079. BCN1995 Indicine
  1080. BCN1996 Indicine N-oxide
  1081. BCN1091 Indigo This product is isolated and purified from the leaves of Isatis indigotica Fortune
  1082. BCN1190 Indole-3-acrylic acid methyl ester This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Isodon eriocalyx
  1083. BCN3652 Infractin This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Picrasma quassioides
  1084. BCN2131 Integerrimine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
  1085. BCN1997 Intermedine
  1086. BCN2949 Irinotecan hydrochloride This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Camptotheca acuminata
  1087. BCN2120 Isatidine
  1088. BCN1955 Isoabsouline This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Hugonia oreogena
  1089. BCN3425 (+)-Isoajmaline This product is isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia serpentina
  1090. BCN2146 Isoammodendrine
  1091. BCN1916 Isobellendine
  1092. BCN1117 Isocarapanaubine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baill.
  1093. BCN2361 (+)-Isocorynoline This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis ambigua
  1094. BCN5003 Isocorynoxeine This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Uncaria rhynchophylla.
  1095. BCN2723 (-)-Isocorypalmine This product is isolated and purified from the tubers of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang
  1096. BCN2071 Isocrocandine
  1097. BCN6166 alpha-Yohimbine This product is isolated and purified from the barks of Pausinystalia yohimbe

Items 1 to 1096 of 1096 total